How to Celebrate April Fool’s Day in Japan


How to Celebrate April Fool’s Day in Japan

Have you heard about “April Fool’s Day”? How do the Japanese lie on this day? And Will they allow you to lie? Let me introduce how you celebrate and answer after people lying on April Fool’s Day in Japan today!

エイプリルフール (eipurirufūru)

April Fool’s Day

“エイプリルフール(eipurirufūru)” is “April Fool’s Day” and which day is April 1st. You are only allowed to lie on April Fools’ Day! Why don’t you lie to your friends, teachers or even boss who you get along with? However, it should be a small lie and don’t lie to police officers and firefighters. It would be one of the communication tools for someone who you get along with. Although it’s April Fool’s Day, a person who you lied would get angry at you. So when lying to people, you should be a little bit careful about that.

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昨日きのう火傷やけどしちゃったんだ。 (I burned my hand.) (昨天我烧伤了手。) (어제 ○손에 화상을 입었어.) (Hôm qua tớ chẳng may bị bỏng ở tay.) (kinō, te wo yakedo shichatta nda.)


えっ?大丈夫だいじょうぶだった? (Wow! Are you OK?) (咦?没事吧?) (어? 괜찮아?) (Thế á. Có sao không?) (e? daijōbu datta?)


なーんてね。くさ 今日きょうエイプリルフールだよ! (Just kidding!haha Today is on April Fools’ Day!) (骗你的啦。哈哈哈 今天是愚人节!) (속았지! 하하. 오늘은 만우절이야!) (Xạo đó (cười). Hôm nay là Cá tháng tư đấy!) (na-nte ne. kusa kyō wa eipurirufūru dayo!)


もー! (Come on!) (真是的!) (정말!) (Quá đáng!) (mo-!)


昨日きのう彼女かのじょわかれたんだ・・・ (I broke up with my girlfriend yesterday…) (我昨天和女友分手了…) (어제 여자친구와 헤어졌어..) (Hôm qua tớ vừa chia tay với bạn gái …) (kinō kanoji to wakareta nda…)


マジで? (For real?) (真的吗?) (정말로?) (Thiệt á?) (majide?)


うっそー!わら 今日きょうなん (Just kidding!haha Do you know what day this is?) (骗你的!笑 你猜今天是什么日子?) (뻥이지~! ㅋㅋ 오늘 무슨 날이게?) (Xạo đấy! (cười) Hôm nay là ngày gì nhớ không?) (usso-! wara kyō wa nan no hi?)


今日きょう? あ、エイプリルフールだった!くさ (Today? Ah, today is on April Fools’ Day!haha) (今天?哦,是愚人节!哈哈哈) (오늘? 아, 만우절이었네! 하하.) (Hôm nay á? A, là ngày Cá tháng tư! (cười)) (kyō? a, eipurirufūru datta! kusa)

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