“mama” vs “okāsan” vs “haha” vs “hahaoya”:What is the Difference?


“mama” vs “okāsan” vs “haha” vs “hahaoya”:What is the Difference?

What is the difference between “ママ (mama)”, “おかあさん (okāsan)”, “はは (haha)” and “母親ははおや (hahaoya)“? They have subtle differences. Can we say “ママ” in public? What about “おかあさん”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

ママ (mama) / おかあさん (okāsan) / はは (haha) / 母親ははおや (hahaoya)

Mammy/Mom/Mather / 妈妈/妈/家母/母亲 / 엄마/어머니/어머니/모친 / Mẹ ơi/Mẹ,Mẹ ơi/Mẹ của tôi/Người mẹ

ママ (mama)”, “おかあさん (okāsan)”, “はは (haha)” and “母親ははおや (hahaoya)“ mean “Mammy, Mom or Mather”. “ママ” is used as a child’s word for mother, “おかあさん” is used as someone’s mother which is informal, “はは” is used as someone’s mother which is formal and individual and lastly “母親ははおや” is used as someone’s mother which is formal and a role of a mother. For instance, although “My mother is strict.” can be translated to both “ははきびしい” and “母親ははおやきびしい”, “ははきびしい” means “MY MOTHER IS strict” and 母親ははおやきびしい” means “My mother is strict AS A PARENT”. This is what the role of a mother means. So, native speakers feel a sense of closeness using with using “はは” than “母親ははおや“. Among your friends, you would be using “おかあさん” or “かあさん” which is pretty boyish so if you are a woman or a girl, you should use “おかあさん” instead of “かあさん”. However, you might want to use “はは” or “母親ははおや” in public.

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かあさん仕事しごとなに (What does your mom do?) (你母亲的工作是什么?) (어머니 직업은 뭐야?) (Công việc của mẹ cậu là gì vậy?) (okāsan no shigoto wa nani?)


母親ははおや昨日きのうあたらしい洗濯機せんたくきってたよ。 (My mather bought a new washing machine.) (我妈妈昨天买了一台新洗衣机哦。) (어머니가 어제 새로운 세탁기를 사셨어. ) (Mẹ tớ hôm qua mới mua máy giặt mới.) (hahaoya ga kinō, atarashī sentakuki wo katteta yo.)


ママかえってきたかな!? (Is that mammy!?) (妈妈回来了吧!?) (엄마 집에 왔어?!) (Không biết mẹ về chưa nhỉ!?) (mama kaette kita kana!?)


はは仕事しごと看護婦かんごふです。 (My mather is a nurse.) (我母亲的工作是护士。) (어머니 직업은 간호사입니다. ) (Công việc của mẹ tôi là y tá.) (haha no shigoto wa kangofu desu.)


はは来週大阪らいしゅうおおさかきます。 (I’m gonna go to Osaka with my mother next week!) (下周我要和妈妈一起去大阪。) (어머니와 다음 주 오사카에 갑니다.) (Tuần tới tôi với mẹ sẽ đi Osaka. ) (haha to raishū Ōsaka ni iki masu.)


母親ははおや学校がっこう先生せんせいです。 (My mother is a school teacher.) (我母亲是学校老师。) (어머니는 학교 선생님입니다. ) (Mẹ tôi là một giáo viên.) (hahaoya wa gakkō no sensei desu.)


ママがこれってくれたの! (My mammy bought this for me!) (妈妈给我买了这个!) (엄마가 이거 사줬어!) (Mẹ đã mua cái này cho tớ đó!) (mama ga kore katte kureta no!)


かあさんやさしいよ。 (My mam is kind.) (我妈妈很好的。) (어머니는 상냥하셔.) (Mẹ tớ hiền lắm đó.) (okāsan wa yasashī yo.)

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