“nikoniko suru” vs. “niyaniya suru”:Which is Used As A Bad Meaning?


“douyara” vs. “dounika”:How You Should Be Clear These

What is the difference between “ニコニコする(nikoniko suru) and ニヤニヤする(niyaniya-suru)” Which is used as a bad meaning? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

ニコニコする(nikoniko suru)

Beam, Cheerful, Smile / 微微笑 / 생글생글 웃다 / Cười mỉm, cười tủm tỉm

“ニコニコする (nikoniko suru)” means “Beam or Smile” and which have been used as the meaning of “a happy or friendly expression on the face in which the ends of the mouth curve up slightly”. The basic ways to use it are that “___はニコニコする。(___ beams.)”, etc. For instance, “かれはニコニコする。(He beams.)”, “彼女かのじょはいつもニコニコしている。(She always beams.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “ニコニコする” is used as the meaning of “WARM AND CHEERFUL/BRIGHT PERSONALITY” which doesn’t mean “to laugh at something” that is “わらう” and basically “ニコニコ” refers to a PERSONALITY, so it tends to be used in conjunction with the “いつも(always)”. Furthermore, 彼女かのじょはいつもニコニコしている。and 彼女かのじょあかるい。(She is bright.)” are the same meaning, however, when used “ニコニコ”, they emphasize their personality. Everyone could use “ニコニコする” as casual, polite and formal such as “彼女かのじょはいつもニコニコしてるよ。(She always beams.)” as casual and “彼女かのじょはいつもニコニコしています。(She always beams.)” as polite and formal.

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ミクは温厚おんこう性格せいかくだから、いつもニコニコしてるね。 (Since Miku has a warm personality, she always beams, doesn’t she?) (未来的性格很温和,所以总是微微笑。) (미쿠는 온화한 성격이라 그런지 언제나 생긋 웃고 있네.) (Vì Miku có tính cách hòa nhã nên lúc nào cũng mỉm cười nhỉ.)


ゆかはあかるい性格せいかくだし、いつもニコニコしてるとおもうよ。 (I think you have a bright person, so you always beam.) (由香性格又很开朗,我觉得她也总是笑容满面。) (유카는 성격도 밝고 언제나 생글생글 웃고 있는 것 같아.) (Tôi nghĩ vì Yuka có tính cách vui vẻ nên lúc nào cô ấy cũng mỉm cười.)


やさしそうで、いつもニコニコしてるひときかな。 (I think I like a person who is kind and always beams.) (我喜欢又看起来温柔又总是笑容满脸的人。) (상냥해보이고 언제나 생글생글 웃는 사람이 좋아.) (Tôi thích những người có vẻ hiền hiền, lúc nào cũng mỉm cười, phải không ta!?)


レイはあかるいからきです。 (I like rei coz he always beams.) (我喜欢雷,因为他性格很开朗。) (레이는 밝아서 좋아요.) (Vì Rei rất vui vẻ nên tôi thích cậu ấy.)

ニヤニヤする (niyaniya suru)

Smirk / 奸笑 / 히죽거리다 / Cười khẩy

“ニヤニヤ(niyaniya suru)” means “Smirk” and which have been used as the meaning of “to smile in an unpleasant way”. The basic ways to use it are that “___はニヤニヤする。(___ smirks.)”, etc. For instance, “かれはニヤニヤする。(He smirks.)”, “彼女かのじょはいつもニヤニヤしている。(She always smirks.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “ニヤニヤする” is used as the meaning of “to UNDERESTIMATE or to THINK SOMETHING BAD while smiling” and which is used as a BAD meaning, unlike “ニコニコする”. Everyone could use “ニヤニヤする” as casual, polite and formal such as “かれはニヤニヤしてるよ。(He’s being smirking.)” as casual and “かれはニヤニヤしてるよ。(He’s being smirking.)” as polite and formal.



なにニヤニヤわらってるの? (What are you smirking?) (你干嘛笑嘻嘻的?) (뭘 히죽히죽 웃고 있는 거야?) (Cậu đang cười khẩy cái gì đấy?)


ニヤニヤするなよ! (Don’t smirk!) (别奸笑啊!) (히죽거리지 마!) (Đừng có cười khẩy!)


ニヤニヤしないでくれますか?気分悪きぶんわるいです。 (Please don’t smirk, you make me feel uncomfortable.) (你能不能不要笑嘻嘻的?看着不舒服。) (히죽거리지 말아줄래요? 기분 나빠요.) (Bạn có thể đừng cười khẩy tôi có được không? Thật khó chịu.)


さっきニヤニヤにしたおとこました。気持きもわるかったです。 (I saw a smirking guy a while ago. He’s gross.) (我看到了一个男人在暗暗冷笑。真令人恶心。) (아까 히죽거리고 있던 남자를 봤습니다. 기분 나빴어요.) (Vừa nãy tôi đã nhìn thấy người đàn ông cười khẩy. Thật khó chịu.)

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