Never Confuse “せっかち” and “短気たんき” Again


Never Confuse “せっかち” and “短気たんき” Again

Explaining these words is quite difficult, isn’t it? Actually, the meaning of these is quite similar, however, they are different. Are you “せっかち” or “短気たんき“? Let me introduce how to correctly use them today!

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] せっかち(sekkachi)

[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-2″ wrap=”span”] Impatient

“せっかち” means “impatient” and which has been used for people can’t wait at all such as they hate to wait in the line because of impatient(せっかち). The basic way to use it is “___はせっかちです。(___am/is/are impatient.)” such as “おとうさんはせっかちです。(My dad is impatient.)” and which can be used in daily conversations as casual and polite. For example, “おとうさんはせっかちです。(My dad is impatient.) as polite and “おとうさんはせっかちだよ。(My dad is impatient.) as casual. “せっかち” and “短気たんき” are similar. Although people are “短気たんき“, they could wait in the line. 短気たんき that I explained next.

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[voice icon=”” name=”ゆか” type=”l icon_red” sample”]
せっかちじゃない? (You’re an impatient person, aren’t you?) (太急性子了吧?) (성급하지 않아?) (Cậu hấp tấp thế?)

[voice icon=”” name=”たつや” type=”l icon_blue” sample”]
ぼくのオーダーとおってる? (Where’s my order?) (我的订单做了吗?) (내 주문 들어갔어?) (Món tớ gọi thế nào rồi?)

[voice icon=”” name=”ゆか” type=”r icon_red” sample”]
せっかちすぎない?まだ1分いっぷんしかってないよ。 (You’re too impatient, aren’t you? It took only 1 min.) (是不是太急躁了?也才过了一分钟而已呢。) (너무 성급하지 않아? 아직 1분밖에 안지났어. ) (Cậu thiếu kiên nhẫn quá đấy? Mới có 1 phút trôi qua thôi mà.)

[voice icon=”” name=”たつや” type=”l icon_blue” sample”]
もう10月じゅうがつのことかんがえてるの?まだ2月にがつだよ。せっかちだなー。 (You think October? It’s still February. I think you’re impatient.) (你已经在想10月的事情了?现在才刚2月呢。性子真急啊。) (벌써 10월을 생각하는 거야? 아직 2월이야. 성격이 급하네~.) (Chưa gì cậu đã nghĩ đến chuyện tháng 10 hả? Giờ mới có tháng 2 đấy. Thiệt hấp tấp.)

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] 短気たんき(tanki)

[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-2″ wrap=”span”] Short temper

短気たんき” means “Short temper” and which has been used for people who easily got angry at someone or something. So that’s why even people who are “短気たんき” could wait in the line, unlike people who are せっかち can’t wait in the line. Actually “短気たんき” and せっかち are quite similar, however, the nuance of these are different. For instance, people who are せっかち don’t get angry someone who made mistakes, however, people who are “短気たんき” would get angry at him/her making mistakes. Again, people who are “せっかち” CAN’T WAIT and people who are “短気たんき” EASILY GET ANGRY at someone or something. That’s the difference between them.

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[voice icon=”” name=”ゆか” type=”l icon_red” sample”]
短気たんき損気そんきだよ。 (Haste makes waste.) (心急吃不了热豆腐。) (성급하면 손해보기 마련이야.) (Nóng nảy thì sẽ thiệt thòi đấy.)

[voice icon=”” name=”たつや” type=”l icon_blue” sample”]
とうさんが短気たんきなんだ。 (My dad is very short-tempered.) (我的父亲性情急躁。) (아버지가 성질이 급한거야.) (Cha tôi rất nóng tính.)
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[voice icon=”” name=”たつや” type=”l icon_blue” sample”]
短気たんきっすか? (Are you short-tempered?) (你性子很急吗?) (성격이 급하세요?) (Cậu là người nóng tính à?)

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