Improve Your Japanese Skill By Using そのまま


Improve Your Japanese Skill By Using そのまま

Could you explain the way to use そのまま (sono mama) in daily conversations? If you use そのまま, your Japanese would sound native speakers. Let me introduce how you correctly use そのまま today!

そのまま (sono mama)

As it is

“そのまま (sono mama)” means “As it is” which has been used as the meaning of “without change; to keep; something/someone doesn’t change anything.” For instance, “そのままそこにいてください。(Please stay where you are.)”, “そのままでおください。(Please hold on.)”, “そのままあさまでました。(I kept sleeping until morning.)”, etc. However, “そのまま” has the other meaning that is “exactly the same” and which native speakers also use “そのまんま” as well. For instance, こえがおかあさんそのまま(そのまんま)だね。(Your voices sound exactly the same as your mother’s.), おとうさんのかおそのまま(そのまんま)じゃん。(Your face looks exactly the same as your father’s.), etc. Lastly, “そのまんま” used as a little bit casual than “そのまま”.

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こちらのおさらをおげしてもよろしいでしょうか? (May I take your plates?) (这里的盘子可以先撤下吗?) (이쪽 접시를 치워드릴까요?) (Tôi có thể dọn cái đĩa này đi được không ạ?)


あ、そのままでいいですよ。 (Well, leave it as it is.) (哦,放着就行。) (아, 그냥 두셔도 괜찮아요.) (A, thôi cứ để nguyên vậy cũng được.)


そのままべれるの? (Can I eat it as it is?) (直接这样吃吗?) (그대로 먹을 수 있어?) (Cứ thế là ăn được rồi hả?)


うん、そのままべるよ。 (Yes, you’ll eat it as it is.) (嗯,就这样吃。) (응, 그대로 먹을거야.) (Ừ, cứ thế là ăn thôi.)


そのまま使つかえるの? (Can I use this as it is?) (可以直接用吗?) (그대로 사용할 수 있나요?) (Cứ thế là dùng được hả?)


そのまま使つかえるんじゃない? (I gues you use this as it is.) (不是可以直接用吗?) (그대로 사용할 수 있지 않을까?) (Cứ để nguyên thế là dùng được mà.)

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