“sotto” vs. “kossori”:They Sound Similar For You?


sotto” vs. “kossori“:They Sound Similar For You?

Are “そっと(sotto)” and “こっそり(kossori)” similar for you? However, these are so different. You could be figuring out the way to use these after reading this. Let me introduce how to easily use these today!

そっと (sotto)

Gently / Softly

“そっと(sotto)” is “gently or softly” and which means that someone does not make noise to do something. You could use そっと___(verb) or そっと○○(noun)を___(verb). For instance, そっとく(gently put), そっとドアをめる(gently close the door), そっとあるく(softly walk), etc. Again, そっと means someone does not make noise to do something, so which is sometimes used as the meaning of “secretly”. For instance, そっとはいる(secretly enter), そっとる(secretly look), そっと携帯盗けいたいぬすむ(secretly steal a cell phone), etc. The meaning of these words is also not to make noise. Because “こっそり” means “secretly”. So that’s why we have to judge こっそりはいる(secretly enter) or そっとはいる(softly enter) from the sentence. Further, “___ をそっとしておく” is the popular word which means “leave ___ alone”.

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こんなかんじで、そっとわってね。 (Touch it gently, like this.) (像这样,轻轻地触摸。) (이런 느낌으로 부드럽게 만져.) (Nhẹ nhàng chạm vào như thế này nhé.) (kon’na kanji de, sotto sawatte ne.)


そっとしておこうよ。 (I think it is better to leave him alone.) (就让他这样吧。) (가만히 놔두자.) (Làm nhẹ nhàng chút đi.) (sotto shite okou yo.)


ドアはそっとめてね。 (Please gentely close the door.) (轻轻把门关上。) (문은 조용히 닫아줘.) (Đóng cửa nhẹ nhàng thôi nhé.) (doa wa sotto shimete ne.)


高級こうきゅうなコップをそっといといたよ。 (I gently put a fancy cup.) (我轻轻地放了一个高级杯子。) (고가의 컵은 조심히 나뒀어.) (Tớ đã đặt cái cốc cao cấp xuống một cách nhẹ nhàng đấy.) (kōkyū na koppu wo sotto oi toita yo.)

こっそり (kossori)


“こっそり(kossori)” means “Secretly” and which has not been used as a good meaning. The way to use “こっそり” is “こっそり___(verb) or こっそり○○(noun)を___(verb)” For instance, “こっそりはいる(secretly enter), こっそりる(secretly look), こっそり携帯けいたいぬすむ(secretly steal a cell phone), etc. Don’t do something “Secretly(こっそり)”.



こっそり動画どうがらないで! (Don’t take the video secretly.) (不要偷偷录像!) (몰래 영상 찍지 말라고!) (Đừng có lén lút quay phim thế chứ!) (kossori dōga wo tora naide!)


彼女かのじょ携帯けいたいこっそりチェックするんだよねー。 (My girlfriend secretly looking at my cell phone.) (她偷偷摸摸地检查手机。) (여자친구가 휴대폰 몰래 확인하고 있어~.) (Cô ấy lén xem điện thoại đấy nhỉ.) (kanojo ga keitai wo kossori chekku suru n dayo ne-.)


おとうとってきたケーキ、こっそりべようっと。くさ (I’ll secretly have a cake which my brother bought. hahaha) (我要偷偷吃掉弟弟买来的蛋糕。哈哈哈) (동생이 사 온 케이크, 몰래 먹어버리려고. 하하) (Tớ định lén ăn cái bánh em trai mua về (cười).) (otōto ga kattekita kēki, kossori tabeyou tto. kusa)


ゆかが彼氏かれし写真しゃしんこっそりせてくれたよ。 (Yuka secretly showed me her boyfriend’s photo.) (由香悄悄给我看她男友的照片。) (유카가 남자친구 사진 살짝 보여 주었어.) (Yuka đã lén cho tớ xem hình bạn trai đấy.) (Yuka ga kareshi no shashin wo kossori misete kureta yo.)

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