とおい vs. とおく: You’d Be Clear The Way to Use Them!


とおい vs. とおく: You’d Be Clear The Way to Use Them!

What is the difference between “とおい(tōi) vs. とおく(tōku)”? Do you know the way to use them? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

とおい (tōi) / とおく (tōku)

Far / 很远的, 遥远 / 먼, 멀리 / xa, xa

とおい(tōi) and とおく(tōku)” mean “Far” and which has been used as the meaning of “the direction that is between north and east”. However, “とおい” is an adjective and “とおく” is a noun, so the way to use them is different from each other. The basic way to use it is “___はとお場所ばしょにある。(___ is far.)”, “___はとおくにある。(___ is far.)”, and etc. For instance, “ここからとお場所ばしょんでる。(I live far from here.)”, “ここからとおくにんでる。(I live far from here.)” etc. The tips for using them are that “とおい” is an ADJECTIVE so, you could say “とおくに(a far country)”, “とお場所ばしょ(a far place)”, etc, thus you wouldn’t say “とおくに” and “とお場所ばしょ” which are wrong. Whereas “とおい” is a noun, so you could say “どこかとおくに/へきたい。(I wanna go somewhere far away.)”, とおくがくえる。(I can see far.)”, etc. Everybody could use these both in daily conversations as casual and in business situations as formal, such as “I live far from here.(ここからとお場所ばしょんでるよ。” or “ここからとおくにんでるよ。)” as casual and “I live far from here.(ここからとお場所ばしょんでいます。” or “ここからとおくにんでいます。)” as polite and lastly, “I live far from here.(ここからとお場所ばしょんでおります。” or “ここからとおくにんでおります。)” as formal. Additionally, when native speakers got surprised at something so far, they tend to use “とおっ!” in daily conversations as casual and even adults use it. After hearing the distance which was so far than you thought, you could use it.

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ここからとお場所ばしょんでるよ。 (I live far from here.) (我住在离这里很远的地方。) (여기에서 먼 곳에 살고 있어.) (Tôi đang sống ở một nơi rất xa chỗ này.) (koko kara tōi basho ni sunderu yo.)


そこはここからとおですか? (Is that place a long way from here?) (那里离这儿远吗?) (거기는 여기에서 멉니까?) (Chỗ đó có xa đây không?) (soko wa koko kara tōi desu ka?)


えー!とおっ! (Whoah, that’s far!) (呃!好远!) (으아! 진짜 멀다!) (Ừ…!Xa!) (e-! !)


このへんはバスていからすことおよ。 (This area is a bit far from a bus station.) (这里距离巴士站有点远。) (이 근처는 버스정류장에서부터 조금 멀어요.) (Khu này hơi xa bến xe buýt đấy.) (kono hen wa basutei kara sukoshi tōi yo.)


とおからてくれてありがとう! (Thank you for coming all the way!) (谢谢你远道而来!) (멀리서 와 주셔서 감사합니다!) (Cảm ơn bạn đã từ xa đến đây!) (tōku kara kite kurete arigatō!)


どこかとおきたいなー。 (I wanna go somewhere far away.) (我想去个遥远的地方。) (어딘가 멀리 가고 싶구나.) (Muốn đi đâu đó xa xa nhỉ.) (doko ka tōku ni ikitai na-.)


とおにいるひとでも、スカイプで簡単かんたんにコミュニケーションがとれるね。 (We can easily communicate with someone far away by using Skype, can’t we?) (远方的人也可以轻松地通过Skype来交流。) (멀리 있는 사람도 스카이프로 쉽게 커뮤니케이션이 이루어지는 군요.) (Dù là những người ở xa đi chăng nữa cũng có thể dễ dàng liên lạc với nhau nhờ Skype nhỉ.) (tōku ni iru hito demo, sukaipu de kantan ni komyunikēshon ga toreru ne.)


とおはよくえるのに、ちかくがえません。 (I can see far but not close.) (我可以看得远,但我看不到近的东西。) (멀리 있는 것은 잘 보이는 데, 가까이 있는 것은 보이지 않습니다.) (Tôi có thể nhìn xa rất rõ, vậy mà ở gần thì lại không nhìn được.) (tōku wa yoku mieru no ni, chikaku ga mie masen.)

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