How to Use とても and たいへん : You Won’t Be Complicated


How to Use とても and たいへん : You Won’t Be Complicated

What is the difference between “とても(totemo)” and “大変たいへん (taihen)“? Are they quite similar? What about “宿題しゅくだい大変たいへんです” and “宿題しゅくだいがとてもです”? If you didn’t figure them out, don’t worry about it. After reading this, you would completely figure them out. Let me introduce how to correctly figure out “とても” and “大変たいへん“!

とても / 大変たいへん (totemo / taihen)

Very / Really / So (Hard / Tough)

“とても (totemo) and 大変たいへん (taihen)” mean “Very, Really and So”, basically they are the same meaning, however, the way to use them and nuance are pretty different. The different nuance is that “とても” tends to use in daily conversation such as “今日きょうはとてもあついです(It is very hot today.)” and “大変たいへん” tends to use in business situations such as “大変たいへんもうわけございません(I apologize.)” which is not “とてももうわけございません” rather wrong. And the different way to use them is that “大変たいへん” has the other meaning which is “Hard and Tough” such as “宿題しゅくだい大変たいへんです(My homework is too hard.)” which you wouldn’t be able to say “宿題しゅくだいがとてもです”. Further, you could say “大変たいへんだ!かじだー!(Oh my goodness! It’s on fire!)” as well. Lastly, native Japanese speakers are excited about something, “とても(so)” would be “とっても(sooo)” or “マジ” and “ちょー” which are slang.

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とってもたのしかった!! (I had a really good time!) (非常开心!!) (정말 즐거웠습니다.) (Vui cực kỳ luôn!) (tottemo tanoshi katta!!)


ありがとうございました!とてもたすかりました。 (Thank you so much! You’ve been very helpful.) (非常感谢你!帮了大忙。) (감사합니다! 굉장히 도움이 되었습니다.) (Cảm ơn bạn rất nhiều! Có bạn giúp may lăm luôn ý.) (arigatō gozaimashita! totemo tasukari mashita.)


今日きょうのレッスンはとってもやくちました! (Today’s lesson was very useful to me.) (今天的课程非常有帮助!) (오늘 수업은 굉장히 도움이 되었습니다.) (Bài học ngày hôm nay rất bổ ích.) (kyō no ressun watottemo yaku ni tachimashita!)


迷惑めいわくをおかけして大変たいへんもうわけありません。 (I really apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.) (对此带来的任何不便,我们深表歉意。) (불편을 끼쳐드려 대단히 죄송합니다.) (Chúng tôi rất xin lỗi vì đã làm phiền quý khách.) (gomeiwaku wo okake shitetaihen mōshiwake arimasen.)


このあかちゃん、とってもかわいね! (This baby is sooo cute!) (这个宝宝,真是可爱呢!) (이 아기, 굉장히 귀여워!) (Em bé này dễ thương quá ha!) (kono akachan, tottemo kawai ne!)


大変たいへんだー!泥棒どろぼうだー! (Oh my goodness!It’s on fire! He’s a robber/thief.) (糟了!是小偷!) (큰일이야! 도둑이야!) (Lớn chuyện rồi! Trộm đấy!) (taihen da-! dorobō da-!)


仕事しごと大変たいへんそうだね。大丈夫だいじょうぶ (Your job sounds really tough. Are you OK?) (工作好像挺辛苦的。还好吗?) (일 힘들어 보여. 괜찮아?) (Công việc có vẻ vất vả quá nhỉ. Cậu ổn chứ?) (shigototaihen sōda ne. daijōbu?)


毎日まいにちほんと大変たいへんだよー。でも仕事しごとだからね。 (Actually, everyday is really tough. But it’s my job.) (每天都够呛的。但这就是工作啊。) (매일 정말 힘들었어. 그래도 일이니까.) (Ngày nào cũng cực cả. Nhưng là công việc thì phải chịu thôi.) (mainichi honto taihen dayo-. demo shigoto dakara ne.)

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