“uki” vs. “tsuyu”:Why Japanese Use “tsuyu” instead of “uki”?


uki” vs. “tsuyu“:Why Japanese Use “tsuyu” instead of “uki“?

What is the difference between “雨季うき(uki) and 梅雨つゆ(tsuyu)“? They have subtle differences. Could you use “雨季うき” in Japan? What about “梅雨つゆ” in your country? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

梅雨つゆ (uki) / 雨季うき (tsuyu)

Rainy season / 雨季/梅雨 /우기/장마 / mùa mưa/mùa mưa

梅雨つゆ(tsuyu) and 雨季うき(uki)” means “Rainy season” and which has been used as the meaning of “During a rainy day, season, or period it rains a lot.”. Basically, there is no dry season in Japan which is called “乾期かんき” and an antonym of “雨季うき“. So, that’s the reason why we don’t call the season “雨季うき” which is called “梅雨つゆ” in June. Furthermore, there are a lot of rainy days in September which is called “秋雨あきさめ“, so we tell them apart. Finally, the biggest reason why we don’t call the reason “雨季うき” is that there is no dry season in Japan where there are four distinct seasons:supring(はる), summer(なつ), autumn/fall(あき) and winter(ふゆ).

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梅雨つゆ時期じきだからちょうじめじめしてるよー! (It’s the rainy season so it’s very humid!) (因为是梅雨季节,所以很潮湿!) (장마철이라 완전 습해!) (Đang mùa mưa nên lúc nào cũng ẩm ướt quá!) (tsuyu no jiki dakara chō jimejime shi teru yo-!)


日本にほん梅雨つゆ6月ろくがつからなんだ。 (In Japan, the rainy season begins in June.) (日本的梅雨期始于六月。) (일본의 장마는 6월부터구나.) (Mùa mưa ở Nhật bắt đầu vào tháng sáu.) (nihon no tsuyu wa rokugatsu kara nanda.)


今日本いまにほんはちょうど梅雨つゆってかんじ。 (we’re currently in the middle of our rainy season in Japan now.) (感觉日本现在正值梅雨期。) (지금 일본은 딱 장마라는 느낌.) (Bây giờ ở Nhật là đang vào mùa mưa này.) (ima ni hon wa chōdo tsuyu tte kanji.)


梅雨つゆけだー! (The end of the rainy season!) (梅雨期结束了!) (장마 끝났다!) (Hết mùa mưa rồi!) (tsuyu akeda-!)


日本にほんでは雨季うきのことを梅雨つゆってうの。 (In Japanese, we call our rainy season “tsuyu”.) (在日本是不是把雨季叫做梅雨啊?) (일본에서는 비가 많이 오는 기간을 장마라고 불러.) (Ở Nhật mùa mưa được gọi là ”tsuyu”.) (nihon dewa uki no koto wo tsuyu tte iu no.)


梅雨つゆ雨季うき一種いっしゅだよ。 (“Tsuyu” is a kind of rainy season.) (梅雨是雨季一种哦。) (장마는 우기의 일종이야.) (Tsuysu là một dạng của mùa mưa.) (tsuyu wa uki no isshu dayo.)


日本にほんでは雨季うきのことを梅雨つゆってうのってた? (Did you know the rainy season is called “tsuyu” in Japan?) ( 你已经知道日本把雨季叫做梅雨了?) (일본에서는 우기를 장마라고 부르는 걸 알고 있었어?) (Cậu có biết chuyện ở Nhật mùa mưa được gọi là ”tsuyu” không? ) (nihon dewa uki no koto wo tsuyu tte iu no shitteta?)


さー。 (I’m not sure.) (你说呢~) (그럼) (Ờ!) (sa-.)

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