Antonym:かたい (katai) vs. やわらかい (yawarakai)


Antonym:かたい (katai) vs. やわらかい (yawarakai)

What is the difference between What is the difference between “かたい(katai) and やわらかい(yawarakai)”? Which is used as the meaning of “stiff”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

かたい (katai)

Stiff / 硬 / 딱딱하다 / Cứng

“かたい(katai)” means “Stiff” and which has been used as the meaning of “not easily bent or moved”. The basic ways to use it are that “___は/がかたい。(___ is stiff.)”, etc. For instance, “からだがかたい。(My body is stiff.)”, “このいすはかたい。(This chair is stiff.)”, “にくはかたい。(The meat is tough.)”, etc. Everyone could use “かたい” as casual, polite and formal such as “からだがかたいよ。(My body is stiff.)” as casual and “からだがかたいです。(My body is stiff.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “おおい” is “かたい” or “かたい”.

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にくかたくておいしくなかったよ。 (The meat was tough and not very good.) (这块肉很硬,不好吃。) (고기가 딱딱해서 맛있지 않았어.) (Thịt rất cứng và không ngon.)


からだがかたいです。 (My body is stiff.) (我的身体很僵硬。) (몸이 굳었습니다.) (Cơ thể rắn chắc.)


このいすはかたいです。 (This chair is stiff.) (这把椅子很硬。) (이 의자는 단단합니다.) (Cái ghế này vững chắc.)


つめたくてかたいね。 (It’s cold and hard, isn’t it?) (又冷又硬。) (차갑고 딱딱하네.) (Lạnh cứng đơ người luôn nhỉ.)

やわらかい (yawarakai)

Soft, Tender / 软 / 부드럽다 / Mềm

“やわらかい(yawarakai)” means “Soft and Tender” and which has been used as the meaning of “not hard or firm”. The basic ways to use it are that “___は/がやわらかい。(___ is soft/tender.)”, etc. For instance, “からだがやわらかい。(My body is flexible.)”, “このいすはやわらかい。(This chair is soft.)”, “にくはやわらかい。(The meat is tender.)”, etc. Everyone could use “やわらかい” as casual, polite and formal such as “からだがやわらかいよ。(My body is flexible.)” as casual and “からだがやわらかいです。(My body is flexible.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “やわらかい” is “やわらかい”.



にくやわらておいしかったよ。 (The meat was tender and very good.) (肉质柔软可口。) (고기가 부드럽고 맛있었어.) (Thịt mềm và ngon lắm đấy.)


からだがやわらかいです。 (My body is flexible.) (我的身体很柔软。) (몸이 유연합니다.) (Cơ thể mềm mại.)


このいすはやわらかいです。 (This chair is soft.) (这把椅子很软。) (이 의자는 부드럽습니다.) (Chiếc ghế này thật êm.)


あつくてやわらかいね。 (It’s hot and tender, isn’t it?) (它又热又软。) (뜨겁고 부드럽네.) (Nóng mềm nhũn cả ra nhỉ.)

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