Antonym:かりる (kariru) vs. かす (kasu)


Antonym:かりる (kariru) vs. かす (kasu)

What is the difference between “かりる(kariru) and かす(kasu)”? Which is used as the meaning of “lend”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

かりる (kariru)

Borrow, Rent / 借入 / 빌리다 / Mượn

“かりる(kariru)” means “Borrow” and which has been used as the meaning of “to get or receive something from someone with the intention of giving it back after a period of time”. The basic ways to use it are that “わたしは___をかりる。(I borrow ___.)”, etc. For instance, “わたしはこのほんをかりる。(I borrow this book.)”, “わたしいえをかりる。(I rent the house.)”, “わたしDVDをかりる。(I borrow some DVDs.)”, etc. Everyone could use “かりる” as casual, polite and formal such as “このほんをかりたよ。(I borrowed this book.)” as casual and “このほんをかりました。(I borrow this book.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “かりる” is “りる”.

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このほんりてもいい? (Can I borrow your book?) (我可以借这本书吗?) (이 책 빌려도 돼?) (Tôi mượn quyển sách này được chứ?)


このいえ田中たなかさんからりています。 (I’m renting this house from Mr. Tanaka.) (这间房子是我向田中先生借来的。) (이 집을 다나카 씨에게서 빌렸습니다.) (Tôi thuê căn nhà này từ ông Tanaka.)


すいません。ちょっとペンりていいですか? (Excuse me. Can I borrow your pen for a second?) (不好意思,你可以借我一支笔吗?) (죄송합니다. 펜 좀 빌려주시겠습니까?) (Xin lỗi. Tôi mượn cây bút một chút được không?)


図書館としょかんほんりたよ。 (I borrowed books from the library.) (我在图书馆借了一本书。) (도서관에서 책을 빌렸어.) (Tôi đã mượn sách ở thư viện.)

かす (kasu)

Lend / 借出 / 빌려주다 / Cho mượn

“かす(kasu)” means “Borrow” and which has been used as the meaning of “to give something to someone for a short period of time, expecting it to be given back:”. The basic ways to use it are that “わたしは___をかす。(I lend ___.)”, etc. For instance, “わたしはこのほんをかす。(I lend this book.)”, “わたしいえをかす。(I lend the house.)”, “わたしDVDをかす。(I lend some DVDs.)”, etc. Everyone could use “かす” as casual, polite and formal such as “このほんをかしたよ。(I lent this book.)” as casual and “このほんをかしました。(I lent this book.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “かす” is “す”.



そのほんしてくれない? (Can you lend me your book?) (你能把这本书借给我吗?) (그 책 빌려주지 않을래?) (Cho tôi mượn cuốn sách đó được không?)


どのDVDをしてくれますか? (Which DVDs can you lend me?) (你能借给我哪张DVD?) (어떤 DVD를 빌려주실 건가요?) (Bạn có thể cho tôi mượn DVD nào?)


1000円せんえんしてもらえますか? (Could you lend me 1000 yen?) (你能借给我1000日元吗?) (1000엔을 빌려주실 수 있나요?) (Bạn có thể cho tôi mượn 1000 yên không?)


ゆかはぼく1000円せんえんしてくれたよ。 (Yuka lent me 1000 yen.) (由香借了我1000日元。) (유카는 나에게 1000엔을 빌려주었어.) (Yuka đã cho tôi mượn 1000 yên.)

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