Antonym:つよい (tsuyoi) vs. よわい (yowai)
What is the difference between What is the difference between “つよい(tsuyoi) and よわい(yowai)”? Which is used as the meaning of “strong”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!
つよい (tsuyoi)
Strong / 强 / 강하다 / Mạnh
“つよい(tsuyoi)” means “Strong” and which has been used as the meaning of “powerful; having or using great force or control”. The basic ways to use it are that “___は/がつよい。(___ is strong.)”, etc. For instance, “彼女はメンタルがつよい。(She is mentally strong.)”, “父は気がつよい。(My father is strong-willed.)”, “風がつよい。(The wind is strong.)”, etc. Everyone could use “つよい” as casual, polite and formal such as “彼女はメンタルがつよいよ。(She is mentally strong.)” as casual and “彼女はメンタルがつよいです。(She is mentally strong.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “つよい” is “強い”.
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風が強いね。 (The wind is strong.) (风好大啊。) (바람이 강하네.) (Gió mạnh quá nhỉ.)

兄はメンタルが強いです。 (My brother is mentally strong.) (我哥哥是个精神强大的人。) (형은 멘탈이 강합니다.) (Anh tôi mạnh về trí óc.)

あねは気が強いです。 (My sister is strong-willed.) (我姐姐很倔强。) (언니는 기가 셉니다.) (Chị gái tôi là người rất cứng cỏi.)

火が強すぎるよ。 (The fire is too strong.) (火力太强了。) (불이 너무 강해.) (Lửa mạnh quá đấy.)
よわい (yowai)
Weak / 弱 / 약하다 / Yếu
“よわい(yowai)” means “Weak” and which has been used as the meaning of “Lacking the power to perform physically demanding tasks; having little physical strength or energy.”. The basic ways to use it are that “___は/がよわい。(___ is weak.)”, etc. For instance, “彼はメンタルがよわい。(He is mentally weak.)”, “母は気がつよい。(My mother is weak-willed.)”, “風がよわい。(The wind is weak.)”, etc. Everyone could use “よわい” as casual, polite and formal such as “彼はメンタルがよわいよ。(He is mentally weak.)” as casual and “彼はメンタルがよわいです。(She is mentally weak.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “よわい” is “弱い”.

風が弱いね。 (The wind is weak.) (风很小呢。) (바람이 약하네.) (Gió yếu nhỉ.)

兄はメンタルが弱いです。 (My brother is mentally weak.) (我哥哥是个精神脆弱的人。) (형은 멘탈이 약합니다.) (Anh tôi yếu về trí óc.)

あねは気が弱いです。 (My sister is weak-willed.) (我哥哥是个精神脆弱的人。) (형은 멘탈이 약합니다.) (Anh tôi yếu về trí óc.)

火が弱すぎるよ。 (The fire is too weak.) (火力太弱了。) (불이 너무 약해.) (Lửa yếu quá đấy.)
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