Antonym:とおい (tooi) vs. ちかい (chikai)


Antonym:とおい (tooi) vs. ちかい (chikai)

What is the difference between What is the difference between “とおい(tooi) and ちかい(chikai)”? Which is used as the meaning of “near”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

とおい (tooi)

Far / 远 / 멀다 / Xa

“とおい(tooi)” means “Far” and which has been used as the meaning of “at, to, or from a great distance in space or time”. The basic ways to use it are that “___は/がとおい。(___ is far.)”, etc. For instance, “あそこはとおい。(That place is far.)”, “とおくにいるひと。(person in far distance)”, “とおすぎる。(It’s too far.)”, etc. Everyone could use “とおい” as casual, polite and formal such as “あそこはとおいよ。(That place is far.)” as casual and “あそこはとおいです。(That place is far.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “とおい” is “とおい”.

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ここからは結構けっこうとおいよ。 (It’s pretty far from here.) (那里离这里很远。) (여기서는 꽤 멀어.) (Tính từ chỗ này thì khá xa đấy.)


ここからとお場所ばしょんでいます。 (I live far from here.) (我住在离这里很远的地方。) (여기에서 먼 곳에 살고 있습니다.) (Tôi sống ở một nơi xa chỗ này.)


オフィスからとおいです。 (It’s too far from the office.) (离办公室很远。) (사무실에서 멉니다.) (Nó xa văn phòng.)


そんなにとおいの? (That far?) (有那么远吗?) (그렇게 멀어?) (Xa đến vậy á?)

ちかい (chikai)

Near, Close / 近 / 가깝다 / Gần

“ちかい(chikai)” means “Near and Close” and which has been used as the meaning of “not far away in distance”. The basic ways to use it are that “___は/がちかい。(___ is near.)”, etc. For instance, “あそこはちかい。(That place is near.)”, “わたしんでいるところはえきからちかい。(My place is close to the station.)”, “ちかすぎる。(It’s too near.)”, etc. Everyone could use “えき” as casual, polite and formal such as “あそこはちかいよ。(That place is near.)” as casual and “あそこはちかいです。(That place is near.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “とおい” is “ちかい”.



ここからは結構けっこうちかいよ。 (It’s pretty near from here.) (那里离这里很近。) (여기에서 상당히 가까워.) (Tính từ chỗ này thì khá gần đấy.)


ここからちか場所ばしょんでいます。 (I live near from here.) (我住在离这里很近的地方。) (여기에서 가까운 곳에 살고 있습니다.) (Tôi sống ở gần đây.)


オフィスからちかいです。 (It’s too close from the office.) (离办公室很近。) (사무실에서 가깝습니다.) (Nó gần văn phòng.)


そんなにちかいの? (That near?) (这么近吗?) (그렇게 가까워?) (Gần đến vậy luôn hả?)

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