Antonym:おおい vs. すくない


Antonym:おおい vs. すくない

What is the difference between “おおい(ooi) and すくない(sukunai)”? Which is used as the meaning of “many”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

おおい (ooi)

Many, Much, A lot / 多 / 많다 / Nhiều

“おおい(ooi)” means “Many, Much and A lot” and which has been used as the meaning of “a large number of people or things”. The basic ways to use it are that “___は/がおおい。(___ is many/much/a lot.)”, etc. For instance, “らないことがおおい。(There are many things I do not know.)”, “やさしいひとがおおい。(There are many friendly people.)”, “あめがおおい。(It rains a lot.)”, etc. Everyone could use “おおい” as casual, polite and formal such as “やさしいひとがおおいよ。(There are many friendly people.)” as casual and “やさしいひとがおおえすいd。(There are many friendly people.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “おおい” is “おおい”.

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えっ!?おおいね! (Wow! That’s a lot!) (诶! ?太多了!) (우와! 많네!) (Hả!? Nhiều nhỉ!)


あめおおいです。 (It rains a lot.) (最近雨天太多了。) (비가 많이 옵니다.) (Mưa nhiều.)


大阪おおさか犯罪はんざいおおいです。 (There’s a lot of crime in Osaka.) (大阪的犯罪率很高。) (오사카는 범죄가 많습니다.) (Osaka có nhiều tội phạm.)


日本にほんではジムにとおひとおおいよ。 (Many Japanese go to the gym.) (在日本,有很多人都会去健身房。) (일본에서는 헬스클럽에 다니는 사람이 많아.) (Ở Nhật có rất nhiều người đến phòng tập thể dục đấy.)

すくない (sukunai)

Many, Much, A lot / 少 / 적다 / Ít

“すくない(sukunai)” means “Many, Much and A lot” and which has been used as the meaning of “a large number of people or things”. The basic ways to use it are that “___は/がおおい。(___ is many/much/a lot.)”, etc. For instance, “らないことがすくない。(There are a few things I do not know.)”, “やさしいひとがすくない。(There are a few friendly people.)”, “あめがすくない。(There is little rain.)”, etc. Everyone could use “すくない” as casual, polite and formal such as “やさしいひとがすくない。(There are a few friendly people.)” as casual and “やさしいひとがすくない。(There are a few friendly people.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “すくない” is “すくい”.



もっとすくないとおもってたよ。 (I thought it was much less than that.) (我以为会更少呢。) (더 적을거라고 생각했어.) (Tôi đã nghĩ là ít hơn đấy.)


あめすくない。 (There is little rain.) (最近很少下雨。) (비가 적게 옵니다.) (Mưa ít.)


大阪おおさか犯罪はんざいすくないです。 (There’s a few crime in Osaka.) (大阪的犯罪率很低。) (오사카는 범죄가 적습니다.) (Osaka có ít tội phạm.)


日本にほんではジムにとおひとすくないよ。 (A few Japanese go to the gym.) (在日本,很少有人会去健身房。) (일본에서는 헬스클럽에 다니는 사람이 적어.) (Ở Nhật có rất ít người đến phòng tập thể dục đấy.)

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