“gozen” and “gogo”:What Do They Mean?
We often care about the time for appointments, meeting up with our friends, etc. And what an important thing of the time is A.M or P.M, isn’t it? As you know, 8 a.m and 8 p.m are so different. Could you explain them in Japanese? The time is used in daily conversations as casual and business situations as well. Let me introduce how to use them correctly today!
午前 (gozen) / 朝 (asa)
A.M / Morning
“午前 (gozen)” means “A.M or Morning”. For example, “午前2時(2 a.m)”, “朝の8時(8 o’clock in the morning)”, “午前9時20分(9:20 a.m)”, “朝10時半(10:30 in the morning)”, etc. Furthermore, “正午” is noon. You would be able to use both “朝の___時” or “朝___時” and “朝の___時” is a little bit casual than “午前___時“, although everybody could use it. Some native speakers use “午前の___時” as well which is not wrong, however, you might want to use “午前___時” in business situations. Additionally, “午前中” means “in the morning” basically from 7 or 8 a.m. to 12 noon.
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てゆうか、こっちは朝の3時だよ。 (Anyway, It’s 3 o’clock in the morning here.) (我说,这边可是凌晨三点呢。) (근데 여긴 새벽 3시야.) (Mà này, ở bên tớ bây giờ là ba giờ sáng đấy.) (teyūka, kotchi wa asa no sanji dayo.)

今日は午前7時に起きたわ。 (I woke up at 7 a.m.) (我今天早上7点起床。) (오늘은 아침 7시에 일어났어.) (Hôm nay tớ đã dậy lúc 7 giờ sáng.) (kyō wa gozen shichiji ni okita wa.)

だいたい午前中にお菓子を食べるよ。 (I usually eat snacks in the morning.) (我通常在中午前吃零食。) (대체로 오전 중에 과자를 먹어.) (Tớ thường ăn bánh kẹo vào buổi sáng đấy.) (daitai gozenchū ni okashi wo taberu yo.)

友達と明日の朝から、買い物にいくよ。 (I’m gonna shopping from tomorrow morning with my friends.) (我明天早上会和朋友一起去购物。) (내일은 아침부터 친구랑 쇼핑하러 갈 거야.) (Sáng mai tớ sẽ đi mua sắm với bạn đấy.) (tomodachi to ashita no asa kara, kaimono ni iku yo.)

学校に遅刻しちゃったし、今日は朝10時30分位にごはん食べたよ。 (Since I was late for school, I ate a meal around 10:30 a.m today.) (我上学迟到了,今天早上10:30左右才吃早饭。) (학교에 지각해서, 오늘은 밥을 아침 10시 30분쯤에 먹었어.) (Tớ đi học muộn nên mãi đến 10 giờ rưỡi mới ăn cơm.) (gakkō ni chikoku shichattashi, kyō wa asa jūji sanjuppun kurai ni gohan tabeta yo.)
午後 (gogo)
P.M / Afternoon (Evening)
“午後 (gogo)” means “P.M or Afternoon”. For example, “午後1時(1 p.m)”, “午後4時10分(4:10 p.m)”, “午後の7時半(7:30 in the Afternoon)” and so on. Furthermore, native speakers use a lot of ways to use P.M such as “午後(の)___時(afternoon to 11:59 p.m)” or “昼(の)___時 (around 12-4 p.m)”, “夕方(の)___時(around 4-6 p.m)” and “夜(の)___時(around 6-11:59 p.m)”. For example, “昼(の)2時(2 p.m)”, “夕方5時(5 p.m)” and “夜9時(9 p.m)”. Native speakers tend to use “の” especially for “昼” such as “昼(の)___時“, than “夕方” and “夜“. Additionally, “夕方” means the evening.

明日の夕方会おうよ。 (Why don’t we meet tomorrow evening?) (明天傍晚见!) (내일 저녁때 만나자.) (Chiều mai gặp nhé.) (asu no yūgata aou yo.)

いいよ!じゃあ明日、夕方の4時ね!じゃあねー! (Got it! Well, we’ll meet at 4 p.m tomorrow. See ya!) (当然可以啊!那么明天傍晚4点,到时候见。) (좋아! 그럼 내일 저녁 4시에 만나자! 내일 봐!) (Ờ được đấy! Chiều mai 4 giờ nha! Gặp sau nha!) (ī yo! jā ashita, yūgata no yoji ne! jā ne-.)

今日は午後6時半から飲み会なんだー。 (Today, I have a party from 6:30 p.m.) (原来是今天下午6:30要喝酒聚会。) (오늘은 오후 6시 반부터 회식이 있어.) (Hôm nay từ 6 giờ rưỡi tối có bữa nhậu.) (kyō wa gogo rokuji han kara nomikai nanda-.)

昼の2時に家でるよ。 (I’m gonna leave the house at 2 p.m.) (下午2点我要出门噢。) (오후 2시에 집에서 나갈게.) (Tớ sẽ ra khỏi nhà lúc 2 giờ trưa đấy.) (hiru no niji ni ie deru yo.)

日曜の午後は憂うつだったわー。 (Sunday afternoons made me depressed.) (周日下午很郁闷。) (일요일 오후엔 우울했어.) (Chiều chủ nhật rồi chán muốn chết đi được ý.) (nichiyō no gogo wa yūutsu datta wa-.)
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