Ways To Use “tsui sakki”, “saikin” and “konogoro”, “konnichi” and “sakkon”, “konoaida” and “senjitsu” Like Natives
When we talk about lifestyle as daily conversations with our family, friends, boss and so on, we usually explain about it and when to happen, such as a few minutes ago, recently, lately, a couple of months ago so that it would be much clear. In this case, there’s a bunch of words related to time in Japanese as well. Today, let me introduce ways to use ついさっき(tsui sakki), 最近 (saikin), この頃 (konogoro), 今日 (konnichi), 昨今 (sakkon), この間 (konoaida), 先日 (senjitsu) like natives.
ついさっき (tsui sakki)
Just a few minutes ago / Just now
Using ついさっき(tsui sakki) is pretty easier to use than other words. Because that means just a few minutes ago or just now. So, when someone did something or something happened within generally 5 to 30 minutes, he/she could use ついさっき with a little exiting feeling, however using さっき means someone did something or something happened over 30 minutes to 3 or 4 hours.
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ついさっき教室で田中くんにばったり会ったよ。 (Actually just a few minutes ago, I ran into Tanaka-kun in a classroom.) (我刚刚在教室里撞见了田中呢。) (방금 교실에서 다나카 군이랑 딱 만났어.) (Ngay lúc nãy, tôi đã tình cờ gặp anh Tanaka trong lớp học đấy!) (tsui sakki kyōshitsu de tanaka kun ni battari atta yo.)

ついさっき電車の中でめっちゃかわいい子をみたよ。 (I saw a super cute girl on the train just a few minutes ago.) (我刚在火车上看到一个特可爱的孩子。) (방금 전철 안에서 엄청 귀여운 애 봤어.) (Vừa lúc nãy, tôi đã nhìn thấy một em bé vô cùng đáng yêu trên tàu đấy!) (tsui sakki densha no naka de metcha kawaī ko wo mita yo.)

さっきタクシーが事故してたよ。 (I saw that taxi has an accident a few minutes ago.) (刚刚出租车出事故了。) (아까 택시 사고났던데.) (Vừa lúc nãy xe taxi đã gặp tai nạn đó!) (sakki takushī ga jiko shiteta yo.)
最近 (saikin) / この頃 (kono goro)
These days / Lately
When someone uses 最近 (saikin) and この頃 (kono goro), someone has been continuing something or something has been continuing, which is a continuous period of time from a near past till now, unlike この間 and 先日. And it also can be used as the informal phrases, unlike 今日”こんにち”では and 昨今では. However, 最近 and この頃 can be used as the formal situations. Natives often use 最近は___です or 最近は___だ in the daily conversations. Time-wise, when using 最近, この頃, he/she talks about something around a couple months ago such as 3, 4 months ago to now. Additionally, natives prefer to use 最近 to この頃.

最近は外食することが多いなー。 (I eat out a lot these days.) (最近我经常外出就餐。) (최근엔 외식이 잦네.) (Gần đây tôi thường ăn ở ngoài nhiều.) (saikin wa gaishoku suru koto ga ōi na-.)

最近、筋トレしてるよ。 (I have been working out lately.) (最近,我在练肌肉。) (요즘 몸 키우고 있어.) (Gần đây tôi đang tập cơ bắp đấy.) (saikin, kintore shiteru yo.)

最近どう? (How are you doing these days?) (最近怎么样?) (요즘 어때?) (Gần đây cậu thế nào?) (saikin dō?)

最近何してましたか? (What have you been up to lately?) (你最近忙什么?) (최근에 뭐 하고 지냈어요?) (Gần đây bạn đã làm gì?) (saikin nani shite mashita ka?)
今日 (konnichi) / 昨今 [formal](sakkon)
今日 (konnichi) and 昨今 (sakkon) can be used as the same meaning of 最近 and この頃, however, which are quite formal phrases such as news, business meeting and writing a business email, he/she could use 今日 and 昨今. And politicians prefer 今日 and 昨今 to 最近 and この頃. When using 今日 and 昨今, they use for example 今日(昨今)では___です or 今日(昨今) では___だ.

今日では、子供を甘やかす親が多いですね。 (Nowadays, many parents spoil their kids.) (我刚刚在教室里撞见了田中呢。) (요즘엔 자식을 오냐오냐 키우는 부모가 많지요.) (nuông chiều con cái củNgày nay, có rất nhiều bậc cha mẹa họ.) (konnichi dewa, kodomo wo amaya kasu oya ga ōidesu ne.)

昨今、現代人はメタボ傾向にあります。 (Nowadays, people tend to be the metabolic syndrome.) (近来,现代人有肥胖倾向。) (요즘 현대인은 대사증후군 경향을 보인다.) (Ngày nay, người hiện đại có xu hướng chuyển đổi.) (sakkon, gendaijin wa metabo keikō ni arimasu.)

今日では、人はかつてないほど長生きしていると思います。 (I’ say people nowadays live longer than ever before.) (迄今,人们的壽命前所未有的增長。) (요즘 사람은 이례적으로 장수한다고 생각해요.) (Tôi nghĩ rằng ngày nay con người sống thọ hơn bao giờ hết.) (konnichi dewa, hito wa katsute nai hodo nagaiki shite iru to omoi masu.)
この間 (kono aida)
この間 (kono aida) can be just only used as one past point which someone did something or something happened a couple of weeks till months ago, unlike 最近 and この頃. When using この間, actually something happened, however, it hasn’t been continuing, it is just one point means once and one day. For example, ‘この間骨折した’ means “Recently, I broke a bone” that means it happened just ONCE which is not several times, isn’t it? 最近 is also used as the same meaning of この間.

この間、彼氏と映画館に行きました。 (I went to the movies with my boyfriend recently.) (前几天我跟男朋友去看了电影。) (얼마 전에 남자친구랑 영화관에 갔어요.) (hôm nọ tôi đã đi xem phim với bạn trai.) (kono aida, kareshi to eigakan ni iki mashita.)

ついこの間、姉が結婚しました。 (My sister just got married recently.) (就在前几天,姐姐结婚了。) (얼마 전에 언니가 결혼했어요.) (Mới gần đây chị tôi đã kết hôn) (tsui kono aida, ane ga kekkon shimashita.)
先日 (senjitsu)
The other day
先日 (senjitsu) is the same meaning of この間 which can also be used the meaning of “one thing” happened a couple of weeks till months ago, however, using 先日 is quite formal than using この間. So, when talking with his/her boss or business situation, he/she could 先日 instead of この間. The way to use 先日 is the same この間 but it is formal.

先日、東京に大雪が降りました。 (It snowed heavily in Tokyo the other day.) (这几天,东京下大雪。) (얼마 전 도쿄에 폭설이 내렸습니다.) (Hôm trước tuyết đã rơi dày đặc ở Tokyo.) (senjitsu, Tōkyō ni ōyuki ga furi mashita.)

先日弊社の社長が交代しました。 (Our company president changed the other day.) (我们公司这几天换了总裁。) (얼마 전 저희 회사의 사장님이 바뀌었습니다.) (Hôm trước giám đốc của công ty tôi đã được thay đổi.) (senjitsu heisha no shachō ga kōtai shimashita.)
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