中古ちゅうこ vs. 使用済しようずみ: The Easiest Way to Figure These Out


中古ちゅうこ vs. 使用済しようずみ: The Easiest Way to Figure These Out

中古ちゅうこ” and “使用済しようずみ” are quite different, however, the meaning of them is the pretty same. Let me introduce how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] 中古ちゅうこ (chuuko)

[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-2″ wrap=”span”] Second-hand / 二手 / 중고 / Đồ cũ/ Đã qua sử dụng

中古ちゅうこ” means “Second-hand” and which has been used as the meaning of “goods having a previous owner” they are sold at the shops such as phones, cars, houses, furniture, funs, etc. The tips for using “中古ちゅうこ” is whether “goods having a previous owner are sold at the shops” or not, unlike “使用済しようずみ”.

[voice icon=”http://jpyokoso.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/learn-japanese-online-how-to-speak-japanese-language-for-beginners-basic-study-in-japan-yuka37.jpg” name=”ゆか” type=”l icon_red” sample”]
中古ちゅうこ商品しょうひんはありますか? (Do you have any secondhand stuff?) (有二手货吗?) (중고 상품 있어요?) (Ở đây có đồ cũ không ạ?)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”headphones” wrap=”i”] LISTENING COURSE Sample [wp-svg-icons icon=”headphones” wrap=”i”]
[wp-svg-icons icon=”spades” wrap=”i”]

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] 使用済しようずみ (shiyouzumi)

[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-2″ wrap=”span”] Used / 用过的 / 사용이 끝남 / Đã sử dụng xong/ hết

使用済しようずみ” means “Second-hand” and which has been used as the meaning of “goods already finished being used.” they are not sold at the shops because basically, people won’t be able to use them anymore such as paper, toilet paper, batteries, stamp, tickets, etc. The tips for using “使用済しようずみ” is whether “used goods you won’t be able to use any more” or not, unlike “中古ちゅうこ“. Furthermore, “使用済しようずみ” sounds pretty dirty unlike “中古ちゅうこ“.

[voice icon=”http://jpyokoso.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/learn-japanese-online-how-to-speak-japanese-language-for-beginners-basic-study-in-japan-yuka29.jpg” name=”ゆか” type=”l icon_red” sample”]
使用済しようずのタオルはあらってね! (Wash the used the towel!) (用过的毛巾要洗哦!) (사용한 수건은 빨아줘!) (Nhớ giặt khăn đã qua sử dụng nhé!)

[voice icon=”http://jpyokoso.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/learn-japanese-online-how-to-speak-japanese-language-for-beginners-basic-study-in-japan-okawa50.jpg” name=”たつや” type=”l icon_blue” sample”]
使用済しようずのトイレットペーパーはてないでよ! (Don’t throw used toilet paper away!) (用过的卫生纸不要扔啊!) (사용한 화장지는 버리지 마!) (Đừng có vứt giấy vệ sinh đã qua sử dụng chứ!)

[voice icon=”http://jpyokoso.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/learn-japanese-online-how-to-speak-japanese-language-for-beginners-basic-study-in-japan-yuka35.jpg” name=”ゆか” type=”l icon_red” sample”]
使用済しようず切符きっぷはもうてていいよ。 (You can throw used tickets away.) (用过的车票已经可以扔了哦。) (사용한 표는 이제 버려도 돼.) (Vé đã qua sử dụng thì vứt đi cũng được đấy.)

[voice icon=”http://jpyokoso.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/learn-japanese-online-how-to-speak-japanese-language-for-beginners-basic-study-in-japan-okawa22.jpg” name=”たつや” type=”l icon_blue” sample”]
使用済しようず切手きって使つかえないよ。 (You can’t use used stamps.) (用过的邮票不能再用哦。) (사용한 우표는 다시 쓸 수 없어.) (Tem đã qua sử dụng không thể xài được nữa đâu.)

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