Don’t overdo it!:”muri shinai dene!” Japanese Phrase #36
Discover a new phrase each day to use in your Japanese! What does the expression “無理しないでね!(muri shinai dene)” mean? Visit daily to learn some popular Japanese phrases on a regular basis!
無理しないでね! (muri shinai dene)
Don’t overdo it! / 不要勉强自己! / 무리 하지마! / Đừng cố quá nhé!
When a person who overdo something such as working and studying so hard, you would say “無理しないでね!(muri shinai dene)” to him/her which is one of the words of consideration.
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Sample 1
今夜は徹夜で勉強するぞー! (I’m going to stay up studying all night tonight!) (今晚我要熬夜念书喔ー!) (오늘은 밤샘 공부할거다!) (Tôi sẽ thức suốt đêm để học!) (kon’ya wa tetsuya de benkyō suru zo-!)
無理しないでね! (Don’t overdo it.) (不要勉强自己喔!) (무리하지 말고!) (Đừng cố quá nhé!) (muri shinai dene!)
ありがとう!でも大丈夫! (Thanks! But I’m OK!) (谢谢!没问题的!) (고마워! 근데 괜찮아!) (Cảm ơn bạn! Nhưng không sao đâu!) (arigatō! demo daijōbu!)
Sample 2
ダイエットしなきゃ! (I gotta go on a diet!) (我必须要减肥了!) (다이어트 해야 되는데!) (Tôi phải ăn kiêng thôi!) (daietto shinakya!)
無理しないでね! (Don’t overdo it.) (不要勉强自己喔!) (무리하지 말고!) (Đừng cố quá nhé!) (muri shinai dene!)
明日から本気だすよ!草 (I’m going to put my all into it, starting tomorrow! hehe) (明天开始我就会认真了!(笑) (내일부터 진짜 할 거야! ㅎㅎ) (Từ ngày mai tôi sẽ nghiêm túc thực hiện đấy! (cười)) (ashita kara honki dasu yo! kusa)
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