手書き vs. 筆跡: Are They Definitely The Same Meaning?
What is the difference between “手書き and 筆跡“? Are They Definitely The Same Meaning? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!
[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmrk-circle” wrap=”i”] 手書き (tegaki)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-2″ wrap=”span”] Write by hand/Handwriting / 手写 / 필기 / viết tay
“手書き” means “Write by hand or Handwriting” and which has been used as the meaning of “a person who writes with a pen or pencil”. The basic way to use it is “手書きの___(a handwritten ___), “私は___を手書きで写す(I copy ___ by hand. )”. For instance, “手書きの本(a handwritten book)”, “私はそれを手書きで写します。(I copy it by hand.)”.
先生ってパソコンが使えないから、全部手書きしてるんだって。 (I’ve heard Our teacher can’t use a computer, so he writes everything by hand.) (听说老师不会用电脑,所以全部东西他都是用手写的。) (선생님은 컴퓨터를 사용할 수 없으니까, 전부 필기로 하고 계시대.) (Thầy nói là thầy không biết dùng máy tính nên toàn bộ đều viết tay đấy.)
[voice icon=”http://jpyokoso.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/learn-japanese-online-how-to-speak-japanese-language-for-beginners-basic-study-in-japan-okawa2.jpg” name=”たつや” type=”l icon_blue” sample”]
昨日さー、コピー機が壊れてたから手書きで写さないといけなかったんだ。めんどくさかったー。 (The copier was broken. I had to copy it by hand. It was a bother.) (昨天啊——因为复印机坏掉了,所以不得不用手写。真是麻烦死了。) (어제 말이야, 복사기가 고장나버려서, 필기로 적어야 했어. 귀찮았어~.) (Hôm qua máy copy bị hư nên tớ phải chép tay toàn bộ đấy. Phiền dã man!)
[voice icon=”http://jpyokoso.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/learn-japanese-online-how-to-speak-japanese-language-for-beginners-basic-study-in-japan-yuka35.jpg” name=”ゆか” type=”l icon_red” sample”]
さっき、友達から手書きの手紙をもらったんだ。 (I’ve got a handwritten letter from my friend.) (刚才我收到了朋友的一封亲笔信。) (아까 친구한테서 손편지를 받았어.) (Ban nãy tớ vừa nhận được thư viết tay của một người bạn.)
[voice icon=”http://jpyokoso.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/learn-japanese-online-how-to-speak-japanese-language-for-beginners-basic-study-in-japan-okawa1.jpg” name=”たつや” type=”l icon_blue” sample”]
えー?手書き?パソコン使いたいんだけどっ! (Really? Handwriting? I wanna use my computer though…) (诶?手写?可是我想用电脑!) (어? 손으로? 컴퓨터로 쓰고 싶은데!) (Cái gì? Viết tay á? Tớ muốn dùng máy tính cơ!)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmrk-circle” wrap=”i”] 筆跡 (hisseki)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-2″ wrap=”span”] a mark/line of writing by hand/Handwriting / 笔迹 / 필적 / nét chữ
“筆跡” means “a mark/line of writing by hand or Handwriting”. The basic way to use it is “___の筆跡“, “筆跡鑑定(a handwriting analysis), etc. In this case “筆” means “a letter” and “跡” means “a mark”, so “筆跡” is just a line or a mark of writing by hand, which is not the letters. “筆跡” is the narrow meaning than “手書き”. Basically, police use this word, such as “筆跡鑑定(a handwriting analysis). Furthermore, “筆跡” sounds pretty formal.
これが誰の筆跡か分かる? (Do you figure out whose handwriting this is?) (你知道这是谁的笔迹吗?) (이거 누가 쓴지 알아?) (Câu có biết đây là nét chữ của ai không?)
[voice icon=”http://jpyokoso.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/learn-japanese-online-how-to-speak-japanese-language-for-beginners-basic-study-in-japan-okawa22.jpg” name=”たつや” type=”l icon_blue” sample”]
筆跡鑑定したら? (Why don’t you conduct a handwriting analysis?) (要不去做一下笔迹鉴定?) (필적 감정한다면?) (Đem đi phân tích nét chữ thử xem?)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”headphones” wrap=”i”] LISTENING COURSE Sample [wp-svg-icons icon=”headphones” wrap=”i”]
[wp-svg-icons icon=”spades” wrap=”i”] Beginner
[wp-svg-icons icon=”clubs” wrap=”i”] Intermediate
[wp-svg-icons icon=”diamonds” wrap=”i”] Advanced
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筆跡でばれたらしいよ。 (He get caught by a handwriting.) (笔迹好像暴露了哦。) (필체에서 발각됬다나봐.) (Có vẻ như đã bị lộ vì nét chữ.)
[voice icon=”http://jpyokoso.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/learn-japanese-online-how-to-speak-japanese-language-for-beginners-basic-study-in-japan-okawa55.jpg” name=”たつや” type=”l icon_blue” sample”]
この筆跡は僕のに似てるな。 (This handwriting is similar to mine.) (这个笔迹看起来不像我的。) (이 필적은 나와 비슷하네.) (Nét chữ này giống của tớ quá.)
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