“秒” Kanji Course (JLPT-2)
Hi, here is “Kanji Course” for memberships to improve your kanji writing and reading skills. Enjoy watching kanji video and enhance your Japanese vocabulary with them. Further, we also prepare past, present and future tense with this kanji!
秒 / byou (JLPT-3) | second (unit of time), 第二, 第二, 초, Thứ hai, ที่สอง, Kedua |
秒速 / byousoku (Popular) | per second, 每秒, 每秒, 초속, Mỗi giây, ต่อวินาที, Per detik |
秒針 / byoushin (noun) | second hand (of clock), 第二手资料, 第二手資料, 초침, Đồ cũ, มือสอง, Tangan kedua |
秒読み / byouyomi (Popular) | countdown, 倒计时, 倒計時, 초읽기, Đếm ngược, นับถอยหลัง, Hitung mundur |
毎秒 / maibyou (Popular) | every second, 每一秒, 每一秒, 초당, Mỗi giây, ทุกวินาที, Setiap detik |