#1013 Today’s Japanese Question Grammar(N2-N3)


Today’s Japanese Question Grammar N2-N3

Here is a question that is going to be posted every day. You will get your results after you answer this question. Some of the questions are easier, some are more difficult.

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Check your Japanese skills with the JPYoKoSo Vocabulary and Grammar Questions!

I put the vocabulary below that be used by this question! Check them after solving this!

Today's Japanese Questions (Vocabulary and Grammar)


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そういう / souiu ​(Popular)such, like that, that sort of, very, 这样的, 這樣的, 그런, Như vậy, เช่นนั้น, Seperti itu
とき / toki ​(JLPT-5)the times, the age, the day, 时间, 時間, 때, Thời gian, เวลา, Waktu
はなし / hanashi ​(JLPT-5)talk, speech, chat, story, conversation, 故事, 故事, 이야기, Câu chuyện, เรื่องราว, Cerita
く / kiku ​(JLPT-5)to hear, 听, 聽, 듣기, Lắng nghe, เพื่อฟัง, Untuk mendengarkanUntuk mendengarkan
あげる / ageru ​(Popular)to do for, 我会做的, 我會做的, 해주, Tôi sẽ làm điều đó, ฉันจะทำมัน, Saya akan melakukannya
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