“dokutoku” vs. “tokuchō”:Do You Really Know How to Use Them?


“dokutoku” vs. “tokuchō”:Do You Really Know How to Use Them?

What is the difference between “独特どくとく(dokutoku) and 特徴とくちょう(tokuchō)”? Which is often used as “Unique”? Which is often used as “Monday”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

独特どくとく (dokutoku)

Unique / 独特 / 독특한 / Đặc biệt, độc đáo, riêng biệt

独特どくとく(dokutoku)” means “Unique” and which has been used as the meaning of “being the only existing one of its type or, more generally, unusual, or special in some way”. The basic way to use it is “___は独特どくとくだ。(___ is unique.)”, “独特どくとくの/な___(unique ___)”, etc. For instance, “それは独特どくとくだ。(It is unique.)”, “独特どくとく世界観せかいかん(a unique worldview)”, “独特どくとく雰囲気ふんいき(a unique atmosphere), etc. The tips for using it are that “独特どくとく” is used like “ONLY ONE”, unlike “特徴とくちょう“. Everyone could use “独特どくとく” as casual, polite and formal such as “それは独特どくとくだね。(It is unique.)” as casual and “それは独特どくとくですね。(It is unique.)” as polite and formal.

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ここは独特どくとく雰囲気ふんいきがあるね。 (There is a unique atmosphere here.) (这里有独特的气氛。) (여기는 독특한 분위기가 있네.) (Ở đây có một bầu không khí riêng biệt nhỉ.) (koko wa dokutoku no fun’iki ga aru ne.)


それは独特どくとくですね。 (It is unique.) (那真是很独特呀。) (그건 독특하네요.) (Cái đó độc đáo nhỉ.) (sore wa dokutoku desu ne.)


独特どくとく世界観せかいかんってるね。 (You have a unique worldview, huh?) (你有独特的世界观呢。) (독특한 세계관을 가지고 있구나.) (Bạn có một thế giới quan đặc biệt nhỉ.) (dokutoku no sekai-kan wo motteru ne.)


それは独特どくとく日本語にほんごまわしだね。 (It’s a unique Japanese expression.) (这是一个独特的日语说法。) (그건 독특한 일본어 표현이네.) (Đó là cách nói độc đáo của tiếng Nhật.) (sore wa dokutoku na nihongo no iimawashi dane.)

特徴とくちょう (tokuchō)

Characteristics / 特点 / 특징 / Đặc trưng

特徴とくちょう(tokuchō)” means “Characteristics” and which has been used as the meaning of “unique qualities that make something or someone different from others”. The basic way to use it is “Aの特徴とくちょうはBだ。(The characteristic of A is B.)”, etc. For instance, “このパソコンの特徴とくちょうちいさい画面がめんだ。(The characteristic of this laptop is a small screen.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “特徴とくちょう” is used as the meaning of “UNIQUE POINTS FROM OTHERS” which is used for both “GOOD and BAD meaning”. Everybody could use it both in daily conversations as casual and in business situations as formal, such as “このパソコンの特徴とくちょうちいさい画面がめんだよ。(The characteristic of this laptop is a small screen.)” as casual and “このパソコンの特徴とくちょうちいさい画面がめんです。(The characteristic of this laptop is a small screen.)” as polite and lastly, “このパソコンの特徴とくちょうちいさい画面がめんになります。(The characteristic of this laptop is a small screen.)” as formal. We’re not sure if a small screen is good or not, however, it’s a unique point. That is “特徴とくちょう“.



このパソコンの特徴とくちょうちいさい画面がめんだよ。 (The characteristic of this laptop is a small screen.) (这台电脑的特点就是小屏幕。) (이 PC의 특징은 작은 화면이야.) (Đặc trưng của cái máy vi tính này là màn hình nhỏ gọn đấy.) (kono pasokon no tokuchō wa chīsai gamen dayo.)


このビールの特徴とくちょう説明せつめいしてくれませんか? (Can you describe the characteristics of this beer?) (你能解释一下这款啤酒的特点吗?) (이 맥주의 특징을 설명해주시지 않겠습니까?) (Bạn có thể giải thích giúp tôi đặc trưng của loại bia này được không?) (kono bīru no tokuchō wo setsumei shite kure masen ka?)


それにはどんな特徴とくちょうがありますか? (What kind of characteristic does that have?) (它有什么特点?) (거기에는 어떤 특징이 있습니까?) (Cái đó có những đặc trưng như thế nào?) (sore niwa don’na tokuchō ga arimasu ka?)


京都きょうとって特徴的とくちょうてき言葉ことば使づかいだよね? (I think a regional accent which is characteristic of Kyoto, huh?) (京都的日语很有特点对吧?) (교토 사람들은 독특한 말투를 사용하지?) (Kyoto sử dụng ngôn ngữ có nét đặc trưng riêng nhỉ?) (kyōto tte tokuchō teki na kotoba dzukai dayo ne?)

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