おまえ vs. てめえ: Are You Sure You Want To Use These?


おまえ vs. てめえ: Are You Sure You Want To Use These?

What is the difference between “おまえ and てめえ”? Which is a much dirty word for us? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] おまえ (omae) / てめえ (temee

[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-2″ wrap=”span”] You / 你, 混蛋 / 너희, 네놈 / Mày, Bọn mày

Both “おまえ and てめえ” means “You” and which has been used as the meaning of “these words are used when a person gets angry at someone”. The basic way to use it is “おまえ/てめえ!(You bastard or You dumbass! /You fu*king!)”, “おまえ___ / てめえ___”, etc For instance, “おまえ調子ちょうしにのってんじゃねえよ!(Don’t be so (fu*king) cocky!)”, てめえ、調子ちょうしにのってんじゃねえよ!(Don’t be so fu*king cocky!), おまえのせいだろ!(It’s all your fault!), おまえうな! (Look who’s talking!), おまえ、ふざけてるのか? (Are you (fu*king) taking the piss?), てめえ、ふざけてるのか? (Are you fu*king taking the piss?), etc. The tips for using these “おまえ” and “てめえ” are that although these words used when a person got angry at someone, only “おまえ” is used between friends as normal. So, “おまえ” has two meanings. Whereas, “てめえ” is only used when a person got angry at someone so much or went ape, however, personally I barely hear from a person saying “てめえ” in real life which is used especially in manga, anime, show-biz, etc. So what I recommend that you would use “おまえ” in getting angry at someone instead of “てめえ”. Furthermore, the word “おまえ” is for boys/men, so if you are a girl or woman, you would be able to use “あなた”. Don’t say “おまえ” which is too strong for girls/women such as “おまえのせいだろ!(It’s all your fault!)” for boys/men, and “あなたのせいでしょ!(It’s all your fault!)” for girls/women.

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あなたのせいでしょ! (It’s all your fault!) (全都是你的错不是嗎!) (당신 탓이야!) (Là lỗi của bạn đúng không?)
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