Did You Really Think たしかに and たしか Are The Same?


Did You Really Think たしかに and たしか Are The Same?

Could you explain the difference between “たしかに(tashika ni)” and “たしか(tashika)”? A lot of Japanese learners may think about the difference between them whether they have “に” or not. However, the meaning of them is different. Let me introduce what the difference between “たしかに” and “たしか” and how you correctly use them today!

たしかに (tashika ni)

Exactly / You’re right. / I agree with you.

たしかに(tashika ni)” is “Exactly, You’re right and I agree with you.” which means “without discrepancy”, “without a doubt” and so on. Basically “たしかに” is used as an answer, unlike “たしか”. For instance, when someone said something and if you agree with him/her, you would say “たしかに(Exactly.)”, “たしかにそうだね(You’re right.)”, “たしかにそうですね(I agree with you.)”, etc. When using it for your boss, “たしかにそうですね(I agree with you.)” would better, whereas when using for your friends, “たしかに(Exactly.)” and “たしかにそうだね(You’re right.)” are better which are casual than “たしかにそうですね”.

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あのひとってケチだよね? (That guy’s a real cheapo, isn’t he?) (那个人很小气对吧?) (그 사람 짠돌이지?) (Người đó rất keo kiệt nhỉ?) (ano hito tte kechi dayo ne?)


たしかに (Exactly!) (的确如此!) (확실히!) (Công nhận!) (tashika ni!)


あのひとうざいよね? (That guy’s a really annoying, isn’t he?) (那个人很烦人对吧?) (그 사람 성가시지?) (Người đó thật phiền phức nhỉ?) (ano hito uzai yo ne?)


たしかにそうだね! (I agree with you.) (确实是!) (그러게말이야!) (Đúng là vậy nhỉ!) (tashika ni sōda ne!)


われてみればたしかにそうだね! (Come to think of it, maybe you are right.) (被你这么一说,确实如此欸!) (듣고 보니 맞는 말이야!) (Nghe cậu nói thế tớ thấy cũng đúng thật!) (iware te mireba tashika ni sōda ne!)


たしかにそれはまえいたねー。 (Maybe you are right, I heard that before.) (确实,这我以前听过。) (확실히 그건 전에 들었었어.) (Đúng là chuyện đó tớ đã từng nghe trước đây rồi.) (tashika ni sore wa mae ni kiita ne-.)

たしか (tashika)

I think

たしか(tashika)” means “I think” which has been used for people who think something not that clear. You would also say “たしか” as “I guess” depending on the situation. The basic way to use “たしか” is that native speakers use “たしか___だっとおもう”, “たしか___のはず”, “たしか___(だった/の)がする” like these which are the absolutely same meaning. When using “たしかに”, something is clear and when using “たしか”, something is not that clear. That’s the difference between them.



たしたつやは来週末らいしゅうまつにオーストラリアにくってってたはず・・・ (I think Tatsuya said he’s gonna go to Australia next weekend.) (达也确实是说过下周末要去澳大利亚……) (확실히 타츠야는 다음 주 주말에 호주에 간다고 했을 텐데…) (Chắc chắn là Tatsuya đã nói là tuần sau sẽ đi Úc mà …) (tashika tatsuya wa raishū-matsu ni ōsutoraria ni iku tte itteta hazu・・・)


たしワイルド・スピードの新作しんさく公開こうかいされてたよね? (I think that the newest Wild Speed movie has already been released.) (速度与激情的新作品确实上映了吧?) (확실히 와일드 스피드의 신작이 공개되었지?) (Đúng là tác phẩm mới Wild Speed đã được công chiếu rồi nhỉ?) (tashika wairudo supīdo no shinsaku ga kōkai sareteta yo ne?)


彼女かのじょ写真しゃしんある? (Do you have any pictures of your girlfriend?) (有女友的照片吗?) (여자 친구 사진 있어?) (Cậu có hình bạn gái không?) (kanojo no shashin aru?)


たしスマホのなかにあったはず・・・ (I think I have one in my cell phone…) (智能手机里应该有……) (확실히 스마트폰에 있었을 텐데…) (Tớ chắc là có trong điện thoại thôi …) (tashika sumaho no naka ni atta hazu・・・)


たし玄関げんかんかぎをかけたがするけど・・・ (I guess I locked the front door.) (我记得应该已经锁上了门……) (확실히 현관문 잠근 것 같은데…) (Tớ nhớ chắc là mình đã khoá cửa ra vào rồi mà …) (tashika genkan no kagi wo kaketa ki ga suru kedo)

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