#48 Today’s Japanese Question Grammar(N1-N2)


Today’s Japanese Question Grammar N1-N2

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Check your Japanese skills with the JPYoKoSo Vocabulary and Grammar Questions!

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Today's Japanese Questions (Vocabulary and Grammar)


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近頃ちかごろ / chikagoro (JLPT-3)lately; recently; nowadays, 最近, 最近, 최근, Gần đây, เมื่อเร็ว ๆ นี้, Baru-baru ini
若者わかもの / wakamono (Popular)young man; young woman; young people; youth; youngsters, 青年, 青年, 젊은이, Tuổi trẻ, หนุ่ม, Pemuda
栄養えいよう / eiyou (JLPT-3)nutrition; nourishment, 营养, 營養, 영양, Dinh dưỡng, อาหารการกิน, Nutrisi
状態じょうたい / joutai (JLPT-3)current status; condition; situation; circumstances; state, 状态, 狀態, 상태, Tình trạng, รัฐ, Negara
発育はついく / hatuiku (JLPT-1)(physical) growth; development, 发展, 發展, 발육, Tăng trưởng, เจริญเติบโต,P embangunan
良好りょうこう / ryoukou (JLPT-1)favorable; favourable; satisfactory, 有利, 有利, 좋은, Tốt, อย่างดี, Bagus
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