もともと vs. 当初とうしょ: Most Learners Don’t Know How to Use


もともと vs. 当初とうしょ: Most Learners Don’t Know How to Use

What is the difference between “もともと vs. 当初とうしょ“? How do native speakers use these words depending on what the situations are? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] もともと (motomoto) and 当初とうしょ

[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-2″ wrap=”span”] Originally, Initially, From the beginning, etc / 原本, 当初 / 원래, 처음 / Ban đầu/ vốn dĩ, Ban đầu

“もともと and 当初とうしょ” mean “Originally, Initially, From the beginning, etc” and which has been used as the meaning of “first of all or at the beginning”. The basic way to use it is “もともと/当初とうしょは___だった。(I originally/initially ___.)”, “もともとの/当初とうしょの___”, etc. For instance, “もともと/当初とうしょ日本にほん予定よていだった。(I was initially going to Japan.)”, “もともと/当初とうしょおよぐのが苦手にがてだった。(I was never a good swimmer from the beginning.)”, “もともとの/当初とうしょ予定よてい(an initial schedule)” etc. The tips for using them are that basically “もともと and 当初とうしょ” are used as the same meaning, however, “もともと” is used in daily conversations as both CASUAL and a little formal as well and “当初とうしょ” is used in business situations as FORMAL. Furthermore, the more casual, native speakers tend to omit “は” of “もともとは”, so that would be “もともと” such as “もともとは日本にほん予定よていだった。(I was initially going to Japan.)” and “もともと日本にほん予定よていだった。(I was initially going to Japan.)” which are the same meaning, however, もともと日本にほん予定よていだった。(I was initially going to Japan.)” sounds a little casual and native speakers. Lastly, although “もともと” is used as the meaning of “by nature”, “当初とうしょ” is not used.

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ヨガはもともとはインドからきてるんだってー。 (I heard Yoga originally came from India.) (瑜伽最初来自印度。) (요가는 원래 인도에서 온거래) (Nghe nói là Yoga bắt nguồn từ Ấn Độ.)

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元々もともといえでゆっくりしたかったんだけど、用事ようじができたよ。 (I originally wanted to relax at home, but something came up.) (本来我想在家里放松一下,但后来有事出去了。) (원래는 집에서 쉬고 싶었는데, 일이 생겼어.) (Ban đầu tôi đã muốn ở nhà nghỉ ngơi thư giãn, nhưng mà lại có việc bận.)

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元々もともと韓国かんこくくつもりだったんだけど、予定変よていかわっちゃった。 (Originally I was going to visit Korea, but my plan changed.) (本来我打算去韩国,但计划改变了。) (원래는 한국에 갈 생각이었는데, 예정이 바뀌었어.) (Vốn dĩ tôi đã dự định là sẽ đi Hàn Quốc, nhưng kế hoạch bị thay đổi mất rồi.)

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もともとおよぐのが苦手にがてなんだ。 (I was never a good swimmer from the beginning.) (我原本不擅长游泳。) (원래 수영을 잘 못해.) (Vốn dĩ tôi không có giỏi bơi lội.)
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当初とうしょ予定よていではニュージーランドだったけど、急遽きゅうきょオーストラリアにことになったよ。 (I was initially going to New Zealand, but I was suddenly rescheduled to go to Australia.) (最初的计划是去新西兰的,但突然改成去澳大利亚了。) (당초 예정은 뉴질랜드였지만, 갑자기 호주로 가게 되었어.) (Theo kế hoạch ban đầu là New Zealand, nhưng đột nhiên lại được quyết định là đi Úc đấy.)

[voice icon=”http://jpyokoso.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/learn-japanese-online-how-to-speak-japanese-language-for-beginners-basic-study-in-japan-yuka11.jpg” name=”ゆか” type=”l icon_red” sample”]
当初とうしょ目標もくひょうよりはやえたいな〜。 (I wanna move up the initial schedule.) (我想比当初的目标还要早完成~) (당초 목표보다 빨리 끝내고 싶다~.) (Muốn hoàn thành sớm hơn mục tiêu ban đầu quá~ .)

[voice icon=”http://jpyokoso.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/learn-japanese-online-how-to-speak-japanese-language-for-beginners-basic-study-in-japan-okawa55.jpg” name=”たつや” type=”l icon_blue” sample”]
結果けっか当初とうしょ予想よそうしていたものとはおおきくちがっていたよ。 (The result was quite different from what we originally expected.) (与我们最初预测的结果有大幅度的差异。) (결과는 당초 예상했던 것과는 크게 달랐어.) (Kết quả rất khác so với những gì chúng tôi dự đoán ban đầu đấy.)

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