特別 vs. 専門: Are You Really Figuring Them Out?
What is the difference between “特別 and 専門“? Which is used as casual? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!
[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] 特別に (tokubetsu)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-2″ wrap=”span”] Specially / 特别 / 특별 / Đặc biệt
“特別に” means “Specially” and which has been used as the meaning of “for a special purpose”. The basic way to use it is “私は特別に___する。(I specially ___.)”, etc. For instance, “私は特別にかばんを買う。(I specially buy a bag.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “特別に” is used as the meaning of “NOT ORDINARY or USUAL”. Everybody could use “特別に” both in daily conversations as casual and in business situations such as “特別にかばんを買ったよ。(I specially bought a bag.)” as casual and “特別にかばんを買いました。(I specially bought a bag.)” both as polite and formal.
レイが私のために特別に作ってくれたんだー。 (He made it specially for me.) (雷特地为我做的。) (레이가 나를 위해 특별히 만들어 준거야.) (Ray đã đặc biệt làm nó cho tôi.)
[voice icon=”http://jpyokoso.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/learn-japanese-online-how-to-speak-japanese-language-for-beginners-basic-study-in-japan-okawa70.jpg” name=”たつや” type=”l icon_blue” sample”]
ゆかのために特別にこのかばんを買ったよ。 (I bought this bag specially for you, Yuka.)(我特意为由香买了这个包。) (유카를 위해 특별히 이 가방을 샀어.) (Tôi đã đặc biệt mua cái túi này cho Yuka đấy.)
[voice icon=”http://jpyokoso.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/learn-japanese-online-how-to-speak-japanese-language-for-beginners-basic-study-in-japan-yuka9.jpg” name=”ゆか” type=”l icon_red” sample”]
いつもは2000円だけど、特別に1000円にするね。 (Normally I charge 2000 yen, but I will give you a special discount and only charge 1000 yen today.) (通常卖2000日元,但今天特别卖你1000日元。) (평소엔 2000엔이지만, 특별히 1000엔으로 해줄게.) (“Bình thường thì giá 2000 yên nhưng hôm nay tôi bán khuyến mại đặc biệt giá 1000 yên nhé.”)
[voice icon=”http://jpyokoso.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/learn-japanese-online-how-to-speak-japanese-language-for-beginners-basic-study-in-japan-okawa96.jpg” name=”たつや” type=”l icon_blue” sample”]
このウェブサイトは、日本語を学ぶ人のために特別にデザインされました。 (This website was specially designed for Japanese learners.) (本网站专为日语学习者设计。) (이 웹 사이트는 일본어를 배우는 사람들을 위해 특별히 디자인되었습니다.) (Trang web này được thiết kế đặc biệt dành cho những người học tiếng Nhật.)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] 専門 (senmon)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-2″ wrap=”span”] Specialty, Technical / 专业 / 전문 / Chuyên môn
“専門” means “Specialty or Technical” and which has been used as the meaning of “the subject of one’s study or work, or a particular skill Or relating to practical skills and methods that are used in a particular activity”. The basic way to use it is “___は私の専門だ。(___ is specialty.)”, “___の専門店(a ___ specialty shop)”, etc. For instance, “それは私の専門だ。(It is specialty.)”, “ブラジルコーヒーの専門店(a Brazilian coffee specialty shop)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “専門” is used for PEOPLE and THINGS such as shops as the meaning of “SPECIALIST and EXPERT”. Everybody could use “専門” both in daily conversations as casual and in business situations such as “それは私の専門だよ。(It is specialty.)” as casual, “それは私の専門です。(It is specialty.)” as polite and “それは私の専門になります。(It is specialty.)” as formal.
らーめんの専門店に行こうよ! (Let’s go to the Ramen specialty restaurant!) (我们去拉面专卖店吧!) (라면 전문점에 가자!) (Cùng đi đến cửa hàng chuyên bán mì Ramen thôi nào!)
[voice icon=”http://jpyokoso.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/learn-japanese-online-how-to-speak-japanese-language-for-beginners-basic-study-in-japan-okawa.jpg” name=”たつや” type=”l icon_blue” sample”]
専門用語を覚えるのに苦労するよね。 (It’s hard for me to remember technical terms, isn’t it?) (专门术语很难记住吧。) (전문용어를 외우는 거 고생해야 하지.) (Thật là khó khăn để nhớ được các từ thuật ngữ chuyên môn nhỉ.)
[voice icon=”http://jpyokoso.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/learn-japanese-online-how-to-speak-japanese-language-for-beginners-basic-study-in-japan-yuka36.jpg” name=”ゆか” type=”l icon_red” sample”]
ブラジルコーヒーの専門店ってどこにあるか知ってる? (Do you know where a Brazilian coffee specialty shop is?) (你知道巴西咖啡专卖店在哪里吗?) (브라질 커피 전문점이 어디 있는지 알아?) (Bạn có biết chỗ nào có cửa hàng chuyên bán cà phê của Brazil không?)
[voice icon=”http://jpyokoso.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/learn-japanese-online-how-to-speak-japanese-language-for-beginners-basic-study-in-japan-okawa7.jpg” name=”たつや” type=”l icon_blue” sample”]
それは僕の専門だよ。 (It’s my specialty.) (这是我的专长。) (그건 내가 전문이야.) (Đó là chuyên môn của tôi đấy.)
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