アパート vs. マンション:You Think They Are Condominium?
What is the difference between “アパート(apa-to) and マンション(manshon)”? Which is used as the meaning of “condominium”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!
アパート (apa-to) and マンション (manshon)
Apartments / Condos
“マンション(manshon) and アパート(apa-to)” mean “Apartments or Condos”. Although “Apartment” is “Apartment complexes usually have one owner.” and “Condo” is “Each individual condo usually has a different owner.” in English, “アパート” is made of wood and the height is up to 3 stories and “マンション” is higher ones with reinforced concrete and a room of “マンション” is wider than “アパート”. To put it simply, “アパート” is cheaper than “マンション”. The basic ways to use them are that “私はアパート/マンション___。(I ___ an apartment/a condominium.)”, etc. For instance, “私はアパート/マンションに住んでいます。(I live in an apartment/a condominium.)”, “私はアパート/マンションを買いました。(I bought an apartment/a condominium.)”, “私が住んでいるアパート/マンションはあれです。(That is an apartment/a condominium I live in.)”, etc. Everyone could use “アパート/マンション” as casual, polite and formal such as “アパート/マンションに住んでるよ。(I live in an apartment/a condominium.)” as casual and “アパート/マンションに住んでいます。(I live in an apartment/a condominium.)” as polite and formal.
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アパートに住んでるよ。 (I live in an apartment.)
マンションに住んでいます。 (I live in a condo.)
あのマンションに住んでます。 (That condo I live in.)
昔、アパートに住んたよ。 (I used to live in an apartment.)
アパートとマンション、どっちに住みたい? (Which do you wanna live in, an apartment or a condo?)
マンション! (Condo!)
マンションは高いです。 (Condos are expensive.)
4階建てのアパートはないよ。 (There are no four-story apartments.)
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