What’s The Difference “urusai”, “yakamashii”, “souzoushii” and “sawagashii”
What’s The Difference “うるさい (urusai), やかましい (yakamashii), 騒々しい (souzoushii) and 騒がしい (sawagashii)”? One of the complicated words you are trying. However, don’t worry about it. You would be figuring these out after reading this. Let me introduce the way to correctly use them today!
うるさい (urusai), やかましい (yakamashii), 騒々しい (souzoushii) and 騒がしい (sawagashii)
Loud / Noisy
“うるさい (urusai), やかましい (yakamashii), 騒々しい (souzoushii) and 騒がしい (sawagashii) mean “Loud and Noisy”. The difference between them is that うるさい and やかましい are subjective. They have been used if you feel noisy. even though うるさい can be used if you feel something noisy for a small noise, やかましい is used for only loud noise. For instance, “The flies sound Noisy. (ハエの音がうるさい)” that can’t be used “やかましい”. And “People talking next to me are too loud. (隣で喋っている人たちがやかましい)” and it can be used うるさい as well. However, by using “やかましい” sounds louder than “うるさい”.
騒がしい and 騒々しい are objectives. 騒がしい is mainly used for noise from living things. 騒々しい can be used for non-living things. Furthermore, うるさい, やかましい can be used as noise both for living things and non-living things as well. So, うるさい is more casual than 騒がしい. Lastly, やかましい can be often used by elderly people. So, if you are not elderly people, うるさい sounds natural.
うるさい < やかましい (louder)
うるさい < 騒がしい (formal)
騒がしい(living things) / 騒々しい(Non living things)
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いつもうるさくしてすみません。 (Sorry for my kid always being noisy.) (总是吵吵闹闹的 很抱歉。) (항상 시끄럽게 해서 죄송합니다.) (Xin lỗi vì tôi lúc nào cũng làm cậu khó chịu.) (itsumo urusaku shite sumimasen.)

もぅ、やかましいって。 (Stop being so loud.) (真是够了,吵死了。) (정말, 시끄럽다니깐.) (Đủ rồi, quá đáng rồi đấy.) (mō,yakamashītte.)

外が騒がしいね。 (It’s noisy outside.) (外面很吵。)(밖이 소란스럽네.) (Bên ngoài náo nhiệt quá ha.) (soto ga sawagashī ne.)

騒がしい声が聞こえるね。 (I could hear people’s noisy voice.) (我听到吵的声音。) (시끄러운 소리가 들리네.) (Nghe thấy tiếng người ồn ã quá nhỉ.) (sawagashī koe ga kikoeru ne.)

うるさーい! (Too loud!) (吵死人啦!) (시끄러워!) (Ồn quá!) (urusa-i!)

ほんとやかましい!集中できないよ。 (They are too loud and I can’t concentrate.) (真是吵死了!我无法集中精神。) (정말 시끄러워! 집중이 안되잖아.) (Ồn quá đi! Tớ không thể tập trung được!) (honto yakamashī! shūchū dekinai yo.)

騒がしいなー。 (Noisy.) (好吵啊–。) (시끄럽네.) (Náo nhiệt thật.) (sawagashī na-.)

騒々しくてイライラするわー。 (The loud noise made me irritated.) (吵吵闹闹的真让人心烦。) (시끄러워서 짜증나.) (Om sòm quá bực cả mình.) (sōzōshikute iraira suru wa-.)

隣の人がやかましいの。 (The people sitting next to me are so noisy.) (邻居特别的吵。) (옆 사람이 소란스러워.) (Hàng xóm của tớ rất ồn ào khó chịu.) (tonari no hito ga yakamashī no.)

何?何かうるさいね。 (What? Something is noisy.) (什么东西有一点吵。) (왠지 시끄러운데.) (Có cái gì đó ồn ào thế nhỉ.) (nani? nanka urusai ne.)

朝っぱらから工事が騒々しいんだー。 (The construction works in the early morning are really noisy.) (一大清早的就开始施工真吵啊。) (아침 댓바람부터 공사가 시끄러워.) (Công trình xây dựng từ sáng đã ồn ào rồi.) (asappara kara kōji ga sōzōshī nda-.)

隣の部屋が騒がしくて、よく寝れないよ。 (The next-door neighbors are very noisy, so I can’t sleep well.) (隔壁房间很吵,我睡不好觉。) (옆 방이 떠들썩해서 잘 못자겠어.) (Phòng bên cạnh ồn quá làm tớ không ngủ ngon được.) (tonari no heya ga sawagashikute, yoku ne renai yo.)
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