How to Correctly Say Public Security in Japanese


How to Correctly Say Public Security in Japanese

There are some common topics in which one of them is “Public Security”. What is the meaning of it in Japanese? After reading this, why don’t you ask “Public Security” in Japan? Let’s improve your vocabulary and the way to use it in daily conversations today!

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] 治安ちあん(chian)

[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-2″ wrap=”span”] Public security / 治安 / 치안 / Trị an

治安ちあん” means “Public security” and which has been often used in talking about “Public security”. The basic way to use it is “___は治安ちあんがいいです。(___(country) is a safe country.)” and “___は治安ちあんがいいですか?(Is ___(country) a safe country?)”, etc. “治安ちあん場所ばしょ” is “safe place” and “治安ちあんわる場所ばしょ” is “dangerous place”. You could use “治安ちあん” in both casual and business situations. Why don’t you ask “Public security” to your Japanese teacher or friends?

[voice icon=”” name=”ゆか” type=”l icon_red” sample”]
日本にほんって治安ちあんいい? (Is Japan a safe country?) (日本治安好吗?) (일본은 치안 좋아?) (Trị an ở Nhật Bản tốt phải không?)
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