How To Say Google It In Japanese:12 Expressions


How To Say Google It In Japanese:12 Expressions

I’d say you heard a lot of times “Google it!” in talking to your friends or from show-biz instead of “Look it up”. Did you know how to say “Google it” in Japanese? And it would be a useful word in daily conversations. Let me introduce how you correctly use “Google it!” in Japanese today!

ググる (guguru) / 調しらべる (shiraberu)

Google it / Look it up, Check

“ググる(guguru)” means “Google it,” and “調しらべる(shiraberu)” is “Look it up or Check”. “ググる” is a verb and the verb conjugation of “ググる” is “ググります, ググる, ググらない, ググった, ググらなかった”. The pronunciation of “ググる” is quite similar to “I google it.”, so it would be quite easy to use it. “ググる” is used as the meaning of “to look something up on google”, and “調しらべる” means “to look something up”. “ググる” is used as a pretty new and casual word, so you might want to use “ググる” among only your friends. If you want to use “ググる” in business situations, “グーグルで調しらべる” would be better or just “調しらべる”. For example, “グーグルで調しらべます。(I look it up on google.)”, “グーグルで調しらべてください。(Please look it up on google.)”, etc.

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ググってみて! (Google it!) (谷歌看看呗!) (구글에 검색해봐!) (Lên tra Google thử đi!) (gugu tte mite!)

ちょっとってー、いま調しらべるよ。 (Give me a second, let me check.) (等一下,我现在就查一下。) (잠깐만, 지금 찾아볼게.) (Đợi một chút, bây giờ tớ sẽ tra cứu thử.) (chottomatte-, ima shiraberu yo.)

美味おいしいおみせググっておくねー。 (I’ll google a good place then.) (我谷歌一下好吃的店哦。) (맛있는 가게 검색해둘게.) (Để tớ lên Google tìm mấy quán ăn ngon.) (oishī omise gugu tte oku ne-.)

辞書じしょ発音はつおん調しらないと。 (I gotta look up the pronunciation in my dictionary.) (我必须在字典上查一下发音。) (사전으로 발음을 찾아봐야지.) (Phải tra từ điển cách phát âm thôi.) (jisho de hatsuon shirabe naito.)

になってググったんだ。 (I was curious, so I googled it.) (心里犯嘀咕所以谷歌了一下。) (궁금해서 검색해봤어.) (Tớ khá hiếu kỳ nên đã lên tra Google.) (ki ni natte gugutta nda.)

調しらさせて。 (Let me look that up.) (我来调查一下。) (찾아보게 해줘.) (Để tớ tìm thử đi.) (shirabe sasete.)

調しらべるんじゃなかったの? (Aren’t you looking up?) (你没有调查吗?) (찾아보는 거 아니었어?) (Tưởng cậu tìm hiểu rồi?) (shiraberu nja nakatta no?)

寿司すし値段ねだんググってみたよ。 (I googled the price of SUSHI.) (我谷歌了一下寿司的价格。) (초밥 가격을 검색해봤어.) (Tớ đã lên Google tra thử giá của sushi.) (sushi no nedan wo gugu tte mita yo.)

一応いちおうググっといたよ。 (I googled for you just in case.) (姑且谷歌了一下。) (일단 검색은 해놨어.) (Tớ đã tra Google sơ sơ rồi.) (ichiō gugu tto ita yo.)

ちょっとググってみるわ。 (Let me google it.) (那我谷歌一下看看。) (잠깐 검색해볼게.) (Để tớ tra Google thử chút nha.) (chotto gugu tte miru wa.)

調しらべてくれてありがとうー。 (Thanks for looking it up beforehand.) (谢谢你帮忙调查。) (찾아봐 줘서 고마워.) (Cám ơn bạn đã tìm hiểu dùm mình nha.) (shirabete kurete arigatō-.)

ちょっとって、グーグルマップで調しらべてみるね! (Give me a sec, I’ll find the directions on Google Maps.) (等一下,我在谷歌地图上找看看!) (잠깐만, 구글맵으로 찾아볼게!) (Đợi một chút, để tớ tra Google map thử nha!) (chotto matte, gūguru mappu de shirabete miru ne!)

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