“柱” Kanji Course (JLPT-2)
Hi, here is “Kanji Course” for memberships to improve your kanji writing and reading skills. Enjoy watching kanji video and enhance your Japanese vocabulary with them. Further, we also prepare past, present and future tense with this kanji!
電柱 / denchuu (JLPT-2) | utility pole, power pole, telephone pole, telegraph pole, lightpole, 电线杆, 電線桿, 전주, Cột điện thoại, เสาโทรศัพท์, Tiang telepon |
柱 / hashira (JLPT-1) | pillar, post, 支柱, 支柱, 기둥, Trụ cột, เสา, Pilar |
円柱 / enchuu (Popular) | column, shaft, cylinder, 圆柱, 圓柱, 원주, Xi lanh, คอลัมน์ทรงกระบอก, Silinder |
角柱 / kakuchuu (noun) | prism, 方柱, 方柱, 각기둥, Cột vuông, คอลัมน์สแควร์, Kolom persegi |
支柱 / shichuu (Popular) | prop, stay, support, brace, fulcrum, 支柱, 支柱, 지주, Trụ cột, prop, Pilar |