“欧” Kanji Course (JLPT-2)
Hi, here is “Kanji Course” for memberships to improve your kanji writing and reading skills. Enjoy watching kanji video and enhance your Japanese vocabulary with them. Further, we also prepare past, present and future tense with this kanji!
欧米 / oubei (JLPT-2) | Europe and America, the West, 西方国家, 西方國家, 구미, Các nước phương tây, ประเทศตะวันตก, Negara-negara barat |
欧州 / oushuu (Popular) | Europe, 欧洲, 歐洲, 유럽, Châu âu, ยุโรป, Eropa |
西欧 / seiou (Popular) | Western Europe, 西欧, 西歐, 서유럽, Tây Âu, ยุโรปตะวันตก, Eropa Barat |
中欧 / chuuou (Popular) | Central Europe, 中欧, 中歐, 중부 유럽, Trung Âu, ยุโรปกลาง, Eropa Tengah |
東欧 / touou (Popular) | Eastern Europe, 东欧, 東歐, 동유럽, Đông Âu, ยุโรปตะวันออก, Eropa Timur |