“珍” Kanji Course (JLPT-2)
Hi, here is “Kanji Course” for memberships to improve your kanji writing and reading skills. Enjoy watching kanji video and enhance your Japanese vocabulary with them. Further, we also prepare past, present and future tense with this kanji!
珍重 / chinchou (Popular) | prizing, valuing highly, esteeming, 奖品, 獎品, 소중히, Hiếm, รางวัล, Jarang |
珍しい / mezurashii (JLPT-4) | unusual, rare, curious, 稀有, 稀有, 드문, Không bình thường, หายาก, Tidak biasa |
珍客 / chinkyaku (noun) | unexpected (but welcome) visitor, rare guest, 罕见的客户, 罕見的客戶,희 귀 손님, Khách hàng hiếm, ลูกค้าที่หายาก, Pelanggan yang jarang |
珍味 / chinmi (Popular) | delicacy, dainties, 美味, 美味, 진미, Món ngon, อาหารอันโอชะ, Kelezatan |
珍品 / chinpin (Popular) | curio, rare article, 稀有物品, 稀有物品, 호기심, Hàng hiếm, รายการที่หายาก, Barang langka |