“筒” Kanji Course (JLPT-2)
Hi, here is “Kanji Course” for memberships to improve your kanji writing and reading skills. Enjoy watching kanji video and enhance your Japanese vocabulary with them. Further, we also prepare past, present and future tense with this kanji!
水筒 / suitou (JLPT-2) | canteen, flask, water bottle, thermos, 水壶, 水壺, 물병, Bình nước, ขวดน้ำ, Botol air |
筒抜け / tsutsunuke (Popular) | being overheard, being leaked (e.g. secrets), 管滴, 管滴, 누설, Thả ống, หลอดหล่น, Tube drop |
封筒 / fuutou (JLPT-5) | envelope, 信封, 信封, 봉투, Phong bì, ซองจดหมาย, Amplop |
発煙筒 / hatsuentou (Popular) | smoke bomb, smoke candle, 烟缸, 煙缸, 발 연통, Xi lanh khói, กระบอกควัน, Silinder asap |