“糸” Kanji Course (JLPT-2)


“糸” Kanji Course (JLPT-2)

Hi, here is “Kanji Course” for memberships to improve your kanji writing and reading skills. Enjoy watching kanji video and enhance your Japanese vocabulary with them. Further, we also prepare past, present and future tense with this kanji!


いと / ito (JLPT-4)thread, yarn, string, 线, 線, 실, Chủ đề, ด้าย, Utas
いと / tsuriito (Popular)fishing line, 钓鱼线, 釣魚線, 낚싯줄, Dây câu, สายการประมง, Pancing
蜘蛛くもいと / kumonoito (noun)spider’s thread, spider silk, 丝线, 絲線, 거미줄, Sợi tơ, เส้นไหม, Benang sutera
毛糸けいと / keito (JLPT-2)knitting wool, woollen yarn, 毛线, 毛線, 털실, Sợi, ไหมพรม, Benang
抜糸ばっし / basshi (noun)removal of stitches, removal of sutures, 螺纹拆卸, 螺紋拆卸, 실밥 제거, Xóa chủ đề, การกำจัดเธรด, Penghapusan utas

Kanji Video Lesson

Kanji Practice Sheet


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