“腰” Kanji Course (JLPT-2)
Hi, here is “Kanji Course” for memberships to improve your kanji writing and reading skills. Enjoy watching kanji video and enhance your Japanese vocabulary with them. Further, we also prepare past, present and future tense with this kanji!
腰が低い / koshigahikui (Expression) | humble, modest, 谦卑, 謙卑, 겸손한, khiêm tốn, อ่อนน้อมถ่อมตน, merendahkan |
弱腰 / yowagoshi (Popular) | weak attitude, 态度虚弱, 態度虛弱, 저자세, thái độ yếu đuối, ทัศนคติที่อ่อนแอ, sikap lemah |
腰痛 / youtsuu (Popular) | lower back (or hip) pain, lumbago, 腰痛, 腰痛, 요통, Đau lưng, โรคปวดเอว, Sakit punggung |
腰掛ける / koshikakeru (JLPT-2) | to sit (down), 坐下, 坐下, 앉기 ,Ngồi xuống, นั่งลง, Duduk |
腰抜け / koshinuke (noun) | coward, 懦夫, 懦夫, 겁쟁이, nhát gan, คนขี้ขลาดตาขาว, pengecut |