“茶” Kanji Course (JLPT-4)
Hi, here is “Kanji Course” for memberships to improve your kanji writing and reading skills. Enjoy watching kanji video and enhance your Japanese vocabulary with them. Further, we also prepare past, present and future tense with this kanji!
喫茶 / kissa (JLPT-1) | tea drinking, 饮茶, 飲茶, 카페, Quán cà phê, การดื่มชา, Kafe |
茶店 / saten (Popular) | tea house, 茶店, 茶店, 찻집, Cửa hàng trà, ร้านน้ำชา, Toko the |
茶菓子 / chagashi (noun) | cake served with tea, teacake, 茶糖, 茶糖, 다과, Kẹo trà, ขนมชา, Permen the |
こげ茶色 / kogechairo (noun) | dark brown, olive brown, 深棕色, 深棕色, 진한 갈색, Màu nâu sẫm, น้ำตาลเข้ม, Coklat tua |
茶柱 / chabashira (noun) | upright-floating tea stalk (considered a lucky omen), 茶柱, 茶柱, 茶柱, Trụ cột trà, เสาชา, Pilar teh |