“muchū ni naru” vs. “nomeri komu”:Which is Used as Negative?


muchū ni naru” vs. “nomeri komu“:Which is Used as Negative?

What is the difference between “夢中むちゅうになる(muchū ni naru) and のめりむ(nomeri komu)”? Which is used as a negative meaning? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

___に夢中むちゅうになる(muchū ni naru)

Be into ___ / 着迷 / 빠지다 / say mê, say sưa

“___に夢中むちゅうになる(muchū ni naru)” means “Be into ___” and which has been used as the meaning of “to like and be interested in something”. The basic ways to use it is that “わたしは___に夢中むちゅうになる。(I am into ___.)”, etc For instance, “わたし彼氏かれし夢中むちゅうになる。(I am into my boyfriend.)”, “わたしはスキーに夢中むちゅうになる。(I am into skiing.)”, “わたしはクラシックに夢中むちゅうになる。(I am into classical music.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “___に夢中むちゅうになる” is used as the meaning of “TO BE ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT SOMETHING AS A POSITIVE MEANING”, unlike “___にのめりむ”. Everyone could use “___に夢中むちゅうになる” as casual, polite and formal such as “彼氏かれし夢中むちゅうなの。(I am into my boyfriend.)” as casual and “彼氏かれし夢中むちゅうです。(I am into my boyfriend.)” as polite and formal.

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彼氏かれし夢中むちゅうなの (I am into my boyfriend.) (我很着迷我的男朋友。) (남자친구에게 빠져 있어.) (Tôi say mê bạn trai của tôi.) (kareshi ni muchū nano.)


最近さいきん、ヒップホップに夢中むちゅうです (I’ve been into Hip hop music lately.) (最近我沉迷于嘻哈) (최근 힙합에 빠져 있습니다.) (Gần đây, tôi lại say mê Hip hop.) (saikin, hippuhoppu ni muchū desu.)


友達ともだち最近さいきんヨガに夢中むちゅうです (My friend is into Yoga lately.) (我的朋友最近很沉迷于瑜伽。) (친구는 최근 요가에 빠져 있습니다.) (Ban tôi gần đây rất say mê tập Yoga.) (tomodachi wa saikin yoga ni muchū desu.)


最近さいきんスニーカーに夢中むちゅうだよ (I’ve been into sneakers lately.) (最近我对运动鞋很着迷。) (최근 스니커즈에 빠져 있어.) (Gần đây, tôi bị say mê với giày thể thao.) (saikin sunīkā ni muchū dayo.)

___にのめりむ (nomeri komu)

Be crazy about ___ / 沉迷 / 너무 빠지다 / mê đắm/ chìm đắm/ bị lôi cuốn

“___にのめりむ(nomeri komu)” means “Be crazy about ___” and which has been used as the meaning of “to be very interested in something or love someone very much”. The basic ways to use it is that “わたしは___にのめりむ。(I am crazy about ___.)”, etc For instance, “わたし彼氏かれしにのめりむ。(I am crazy about my boyfriend.)”, “わたしはスキーにのめりむ。(I am crazy about skiing.)”, “わたしはクラシックにのめりむ。(I am crazy about classical music.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “___のめりむ” is used as the meaning of “TO BE ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT SOMETHING AS A LITTLE BIT NEGATIVE MEANING”, unlike “___に夢中むちゅうになる”. An image of “___にのめりむ” is that a person who doesn’t do anything at all, he/she does only one thing which is used as the very strong meaning. Everyone could use “___のめりむ” as casual, polite and formal such as “彼氏かれしにのめりんでるの。(I am crazy about my boyfriend.)” as casual and “彼氏かれしにのめりんでいます。(I am into my boyfriend.)” as polite and formal.



彼氏かれしのめりんでるの。 (I am crazy about my boyfriend.) (我对我男朋友痴迷到无法自拔。) (남자친구에게 너무 빠져 있어.) (Tôi bị cuốn hút bởi bạn trai của tôi.) (kareshi ni nomeri konderu no.)


最近さいきん、ヒップホップにのめりんでます (I’ve been crazy about Hip hop music lately.) (最近我很沉迷嘻哈。) (최근 힙합에 너무 빠져 있습니다.) (Gần đây, tôi bị cuốn hút ắm chìm trong Hiphop.) (saikin, hippuhoppu ni nomeri konde masu.)


友達ともだち最近さいきんヨガにのめりんでます (My friend is crazy about Yoga lately.) (我的朋友们最近很沉迷于瑜伽。) (친구는 최근 요가에 너무 빠져 있습니다.) (Bạn tôi gần đây bị cuốn hút vào bởi Yoga.) (tomodachi wa saikin yoga ni nomeri konde masu.)


最近さいきんスニーカーにのめりんでるよ。 (I’ve been crazy about sneakers lately.) (最近我很沉迷运动鞋。) (최근 스니커즈에 너무 빠져 있어.) (Gần đây tôi bị cuốn hút bởi giày thể thao đấy.) (saikin sunīkā ni nomeri konderu yo.)

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