Take it easy!:”muri shinaide ne!” Japanese Phrase #52


Take it easy!:“muri shinaide ne!” Japanese Phrase #52

Discover a new phrase each day to use in your Japanese! What does the expression “無理むりしないでね!(muri shinaide ne)” mean? Visit daily to learn some popular Japanese phrases on a regular basis!

無理むりしないでね! (muri shinaide ne)

Take it easy! / 不要勉强自己喔 / 무리하지 마요 / Đừng cố quá nhé

When a person who works too hard, you would say “無理むりしないでね!(muri shinaide ne)” to him/her for being relaxing which means “Take it easy!”. You can also use “無理むりしないでください!(muri shinaide kudasai)” as formal.

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Sample 1

徹夜てつや勉強べんきょうするよ! (I’m going to stay up studying all night tonight.) (tetsuya de benkyō suru yo!)

無理むりしないでね! (Take it easy!) (muri shinaide ne!)

ありがと! (Thanks!) (arigato!)

Sample 2

頑張がんばるぞー! (I’ll try my best!) (ganbaru zo-!)

無理むりしないでね! (Take it easy!) (muri shinaide ne!)

ありがとう! (Thanks!) (arigatō!)

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