く vs. ける:How Do Native Speakers Use These?


く vs. ける; How Do Native Speakers Use These?

What is the difference between “く(naku) and ける(nakeru)”? Which is used as the meaning of “to make you cry”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] く(naku)

[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-2″ wrap=”span”] Cry / 哭 / 울다 / Khóc

く(naku)” means “Cry” and which has been used as the meaning of “to produce tears as the result of a strong emotion, such as unhappiness or pain”. The basic ways to use it are that “___は/がく。(___ cry.)”, etc. For instance, “わたしく。(I cry.)”, “かれく。(He cries.)”, “子供こどもく。(The child cries.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “く” is used as “TO PRODUCE TEARS WHEN YOU ARE ESPECIALLY SAD”, “かす”. Everyone could use “く” as casual, polite and formal such as “子供こどもいたよ。(The child cried.)” as casual “子供こどもきました。(The child cried.)” as polite and formal.

[voice icon=”http://jpyokoso.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/learn-japanese-online-how-to-speak-japanese-language-for-beginners-basic-study-in-japan-yuka85.jpg” name=”ゆか” type=”l icon_red” sample”]
かないで! (Don’t cry!) (别哭!) (울지 마!) (Đừng khóc nữa!)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”headphones” wrap=”i”] LISTENING COURSE Sample [wp-svg-icons icon=”headphones” wrap=”i”]
[wp-svg-icons icon=”spades” wrap=”i”]

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] ける(nakeru)

[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-2″ wrap=”span”] Make someone cry / 令人哭 / 눈물나다 / Làm cho khóc

ける(nakeru)” means “Make someone cry” and which has been used as the meaning of “to produce tears as the result of a strong emotion because of books, movies, stories, etc”. The basic ways to use it are that “___はける。/ける___だ。(___ make me cry.)”, etc. For instance, “このほんける。/けるほんだ。(This book makes me cry.)”, “この映画えいがける。/ける映画えいがだ。(This book makes me cry.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “ける” is used as “TO PRODUCE TEARS WHEN YOU WATCH MOVIES, READ BOOKS, HEAR GREAT STORIES, etc WHICH MAKE YOU CRY”, “く”. Everyone could use “ける” as casual, polite and formal such as “このほんけるよ。/けるほんだよ。(This book makes me cry.)” as casual and “このほんけます。/けるほんです。(This book makes me cry.)” as polite and formal.

[voice icon=”http://jpyokoso.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/learn-japanese-online-how-to-speak-japanese-language-for-beginners-basic-study-in-japan-yuka35.jpg” name=”ゆか” type=”l icon_red” sample”]
このほんけるよ! (This book will make you cry!) (这本书感人到哭啊!) (이 책, 눈물나게 만들어.) (Cuốn sách này làm cho tôi khóc đấy!)

[voice icon=”http://jpyokoso.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/learn-japanese-online-how-to-speak-japanese-language-for-beginners-basic-study-in-japan-okawa68.jpg” name=”たつや” type=”r icon_blue” sample”]
本当ほんとうけるの? (Are you sure that will make me cry?) (真的会感人哭吗?) (정말 눈물나?) (Thật sự làm cho bạn khóc hả?)

[voice icon=”http://jpyokoso.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/learn-japanese-online-how-to-speak-japanese-language-for-beginners-basic-study-in-japan-yuka30.jpg” name=”ゆか” type=”l icon_red” sample”]
けるようなほんはありますか? (Do you have books like they will make me cry?) (有令人感动哭的书吗?) (눈물날 것 같은 책이 있나요?) (Có quyển sách nào mà cảm động đến phát khóc không?)

[voice icon=”http://jpyokoso.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/learn-japanese-online-how-to-speak-japanese-language-for-beginners-basic-study-in-japan-okawa84.jpg” name=”たつや” type=”l icon_blue” sample”]
ける映画えいがみたいなー。 (I wanna watch a movie which will make me cry.) (我想看一部能感动到哭的电影。) (눈물날 것 같은 영화처럼 보이네.) (Có vẻ là một bộ phim cảm động đến phát khóc nhỉ.)

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