The 10 Most Popular Foods You’d Eat in Japan
Have you had some Japanese cuisine? Or even heard about them? I’d say cuisine is one of the topics to communicate with native speakers, so reading this, why don’t you ask about Japanese cuisine to them? Let me introduce some Japanese cuisine today!
[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] 寿司
[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-2″ wrap=”span”] SUSHI
Needless to say, sushi is the most significant dish that represents Japanese cuisine. And it is also the most famous Japanese dish outside of Japan. Sushi is basically vinegared rice with seafood on the top or a mixture of the two. You can add a touch of wasabi (horseradish) and a very small amount of shouyu (soy sauce) to enhance the flavor of the sushi. There are several types of Sushi Japanese usually enjoy to eat.. One basic form of sushi, nigiri-zushi, are hand-pressed mounds of rice with a dab of wasabi and parts of various ingredients on top.
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今日の晩御飯何? (What’s for dinner?) (今天晚餐吃什么?) (오늘 저녁밥은 뭐야?) (Tối nay ăn gì đấy?)
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回転寿司に行こうか。 (Do you wanna go eat converyor-belt sushi?) (我们去吃回转寿司吧?) (회전 초밥 먹으러 갈까.) (Đi ăn sushi băng chuyền đi?)
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おすし食べたい! (I wanna have sushi!) (我想吃寿司!) (초밥 먹고 싶다!) (Tớ muốn ăn sushi!)
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久しぶりに寿司食べにいかない? (Why don’t we go eat sushi? It’s been a while!) (好久没吃寿司了,去吃吗?) (오랜만에 초밥 먹으러 갈래?) (Lâu lâu đi ăn sushi được không?)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] 天ぷら
[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-2″ wrap=”span”] Tempura
As one of the most popular Japanese foods along with sushi, tempura has already gained global popularity. Tempura is a very popular Japanese dish of deep-fried vegetables and seafood that is coated in a very light and airy batter that is fried to perfection. The seafood is usually shrimp or white fish. Vegetables commonly used include onions, potatoes, sweet potatoes, shiitake mushrooms, kabocha (Japanese pumpkin), green peppers and carrots. In general, tempura is dipped in a special tempura sauce based in a mix of dashi (broth) and soy sauce and eaten with grated Japanese white radish called daikon.
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ご注文はお決まりですか? (Are you readly to order?) (想好了点什么菜了吗?) (주문은 정하셨나요?) (Quý khách đã chọn món chưa ạ?)
[voice icon=”” name=”たつや” type=”r icon_blue” sample”]
天ぷら定食ください! (Can I get Tempura set?) (请给我天妇罗套餐!) (튀김 정식 주세요!) (Cho tôi một sét tempura.)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”headphones” wrap=”i”] LISTENING COURSE Sample [wp-svg-icons icon=”headphones” wrap=”i”]
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天ぷら定食のお客様? (Who ordered Tempura set?) (天妇罗套餐的客人是哪位?) (튀김 정식 주문하신 분?) (Xin hỏi quý khách nào gọi sét tempura ạ?)
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はい! (I ordered!) (这里!) (네!) (Đây ạ!)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] 豆腐
[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-2″ wrap=”span”] Tofu
Tofu is made of curdled soy milk, pressed into blocks in a process similar to making cheese. It is a good source of protein and a staple of Japanese cuisine. The ingredient is essential in Japanese cooking and used in everything from appetizers to soups to fried dishes! Nowadays, tofu is widely known across the world for its health benefits and for being a versatile ingredient.
ヘルシーフードと言えば、とうふだよね! (When it comes to healthy feed is Tofu, isn’t it?) (说到健康的食物,就是豆腐!) (건강 식품이라고 하면, 두부지!) (Nói đến thực phẩm lành mạnh thì phải kể đến đậu hũ ha.)
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豆腐買いに行かないと! (I gotta buy tofu.) (我得去买豆腐!) (두부 사러 가야하는데!) (Tớ phải đi mua đậu hũ đây!)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] 焼き鳥
[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-2″ wrap=”span”] Yakitori
In recent years, Japanese yakitori or grilled chicken has become known to people overseas. Yakitori is grilled chicken skewers made from bite-sized pieces of meat from all different parts of the chicken, such as the breasts, thighs, skin, liver, heart, butt, neck and other innards. Usually, when you order your sticks, you choose salt or sauce called tare.
焼き鳥屋さんでバイトしたことあるよ。 (I’ve experienced working at yakitori shop.) (我在烤鸡肉串店打工过哦。) (닭꼬치집에서 아르바이트 한 적 있어.) (Tớ từng đi làm thêm ở tiệm gà xiên nướng.)
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ビールと焼き鳥は最高に合うね! (Beer goes well with yakirori!) (啤酒和烤鸡肉串儿最搭!) (맥주와 닭꼬치는 최고의 궁합이야!) (Uống bia với ăn gà xiên nướng hợp kinh luôn nhỉ!)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] お茶(ochya)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-2″ wrap=”span”] Green tea
Green tea is synonymous with Japanese tea. Japanese green tea (緑茶) is ubiquitous in Japan and therefore is more commonly known simply as “tea” (お茶). It is the most consumed beverage in Japan, valued for its health and restorative properties. Various types of tea are widely available and consumed at any point of the day.
このお茶いくらですか? (How much is this green tea?) (这茶多少钱?) (이 차는 얼마입니까?) (Trà này bao nhiêu tiền vậy?)
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100円ですよ!一つでいいですか? (It’s 100 yen and will you take it one?) (这是100日元!要一杯是吗?) (100엔입니다! 하나 드릴까요?) (100 yên ạ! Quý khách lấy một gói đúng không ạ?)
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あったかいお茶ありますか? (Do you have hot a warm green tea?) (有热茶吗?) (따뜻한 차 있습니까?) (Ở đây có trà nóng không?)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] とんかつ
[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-2″ wrap=”span”] Tonkatsu
Tonkatsu is a Japanese dish of a pork cutlet that has been coated in flaky Japanese panko breadcrumbs then deep-fried. Tonkatsu is served as a personal meal with shredded cabbage as an accompaniment. Tonkatsu is usually eaten with tonkatsu sauce, which is a thick and fruity type of Worcester sauce. Tonkatsu is becoming more and more popular, not only in Japan, but also among international visitors.
ご注文はお決まりですか? (Are you ready to order?) (可以点菜了吗?) (주문은 정하셨나요?) (Quý khách đã chọn món chưa ạ?)
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あっ、とんかつ定食ください。 (Well, can I get tonkatsu set?) (啊,请给我炸猪排套餐。) (아, 돈까스 정식 주세요.) (A, cho tôi một sét cơm thịt heo chiên xù.)
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とんかつ食べたいなー。 (I wanna have tonkatsu set.) (好想吃炸猪排啊。) (돈까스 먹고 싶어~.) (Tớ muốn ăn thịt heo chiên xù quá.)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] らーめん
[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-2″ wrap=”span”] Ramen
Ramen is a noodle soup dish that was originally imported from China and has become one of the most popular dishes in Japan in recent decades. Ramen is widely considered a Japanese invention, but there’s much debate over whether the noodles were first made in Japan or China.Ramen is ramen, consisting of the four parts – soup base, broth, noodles and toppings.
お腹減ったー。らーめん食べに行かない? (I’m hungry. Why don’t we go eat Ramen!) (肚子好饿。要不要去吃拉面?) (배고프다. 라면 먹으러 갈래?) (Đói quá. Đi ăn ramen không?)
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いいね!今ならラーメン二杯食は食べれるわ!笑 (Great! Right now, I’ll be able to have two bowls of ramen! haha) (好啊!现在的话 我可以吃两碗拉面呢!笑) (좋아! 지금이라면 라면 두그릇은 먹을 수 있어! 하하) (Được đó! Giờ tớ ăn hai bát ramen cũng được luôn quá! cười!)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] うどん
[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-2″ wrap=”span”] Udon
Udon is thick Japanese noodles made of wheat flour and which is chewy and soft. Udon can be eaten at home, family restaurants, or udon specialty shops and is considered to be one of the most widely eaten Japanese foods in Japan. Many people love udon noodles because they’re light and easy to digest. There are few traditional Japanese dishes more universally adored than Japanese udon noodles.
うどん1杯いくらですか? (How much does a bowl of udon cost?) (乌冬面一碗多少钱?) (우동 한 그릇 얼마입니까?) (Bao nhiêu tiền một tô mì udon vậy?)
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500円です。 (It costs 500 yen.) (500日元。) (500엔입니다.) (500 yên ạ.)
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このうどんおいしい! (This udon is good!) (这个乌冬面味道不错!) (이 우동 맛있어!) (Mì udon này ngon quá!)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] お好み焼き
[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-2″ wrap=”span”] Okonomiyaki
Okonomiyaki is a popular pan-fried food that consists of batter and cabbage. Better known as ‘Japanese pizza’ in the world. Okonomi means “whatever you like” or “whatever you want,” while yaki means grilled. Okonomiyaki differs from region to region, but it is said to come from Osaka originally. The toppings, sauces and type of batter used to make this dish varies greatly throughout Japan.
お好み焼き作ったことある? (Have you cooked Okonomiyaki so far?) (你有没有做过大阪烧?) (오코노미야키 만든 적 있어?) (Cậu đã làm bánh xèo Nhật Bản bao giờ chưa?)
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お好み焼きかー、最近は作ってないけど小学校の時はよく作ってたよ。 (Okonomiyaki….I haven’t been able to cook it, but when I was a elementary/primary school student, I often used to cook it.) (大阪烧吗,最近我没有做,但是我小学的时候经常做。) (오코노미야키라~. 최근엔 안만드는데 초등학생 때는 자주 만들곤 했어.) (Bánh xèo Nhật Bản hả. Dạo này tớ không làm nhưng hồi tiểu học thì hay làm lắm.)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] たこやき
[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-2″ wrap=”span”] Takoyaki
Takoyaki is a Japanese snack that is in the shape of little round balls. Tako-yaki literally translates to “octopus-grilled/fried” and some people may call it “Octopus Balls” or “Octopus Dumplings”. Many people typically think of Takoyaki as something you get from street vendors at festivals and events. These days takoyaki is eaten all over Japan, but authentic Osaka takoyaki tastes even better than the takoyaki found in other cities.
大阪名物と言えば? (When you hear the word “Osaka speciality”, what do you think of?) (说到大阪特产?) (오사카 명물이라고 하면?) (Đặc sản của Osaka là gì thế?)
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たこやき! (Takoyaki!) (章鱼烧!) (타코야키!) (Món bánh bạch tuộc đấy!)
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アツアツのたこやき食べたいなー。 (I wanna have scorching takoyaki.) (真想吃热腾腾的章鱼烧。) (따끈따끈한 타코야키 먹고 싶어~.) (Tớ muốn ăn bánh bạch tuộc nóng hôi hổi quá.)
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