賛成さんせい vs. 同感どうかん: A Quick and Simple Way to Use These


賛成さんせい vs. 同感どうかん: A Quick and Simple Way to Use These

What is the difference between “賛成さんせい(sansei) and 同感どうかん(doukan)”? Which is used as a meaning of “I agree”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] 賛成さんせいする。(sansei-suru)

[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-2″ wrap=”span”] I agree. / 赞同 / 찬성하다 / Tán thành

賛成さんせいする。” means “I agree.” and which has been used as the meaning of “to have the same opinion as someone”. The basic way to use it is “わたしは___に賛成さんせいする。(I agree with ___)”, etc. For instance, “わたしはあなたに賛成さんせいする。(I agree with you.)”, “わたしかれ賛成さんせいする。(I agree with him.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “賛成さんせいする。” means “to SAY YES” with what their opinion, unlike “同感どうかん“. For instance, someone says “部屋へや掃除そうじをしましょう。(Let’s clean up the room!)” and you would be able to say “賛成さんせい!(I agree!)”. Whereas in “同感どうかん” case, someone says “部屋へやきたないとおもいます。” and you would be able to say “同感どうかんです。(I think so too.)”. So, you wouldn’t say “賛成さんせい!(I agree!)” for an answer of “部屋へやきたないとおもいます。” because again “賛成さんせいする。” means “to SAY YES” when making a decision on something. Everybody could use “賛成さんせいする。” as casual, polite and formal such as “賛成さんせい!(I agree!)” and “賛成さんせいだよ。(I agree!)” as casual and “賛成さんせいです。(I agree.)” and “___に賛成さんせいです。(I agree with ___)” as polite and formal.

[voice icon=”http://jpyokoso.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/learn-japanese-online-how-to-speak-japanese-language-for-beginners-basic-study-in-japan-yuka35.jpg” name=”ゆか” type=”l icon_red” sample”]
腹空なかすいたー。マックこうよ! (I’m hungry. Let’s go to Mcdonald’s!) (我很饿我们去麦当劳吧!) (배고파~. 맥도날드 가자!) (Đói quá. Đi ăn Mc Donald đi!)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”headphones” wrap=”i”] LISTENING COURSE Sample [wp-svg-icons icon=”headphones” wrap=”i”]
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[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] 同感どうかんです。(doukan-desu)

[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-2″ wrap=”span”] I think so too. / 同感 / 동감하다 / Đồng tình, có cùng suy nghĩ

同感どうかんです。” means “I thought so.” and which has been used as the meaning of “to express a positive opinion about what someone said”. The basic way to use it is “同感どうかんです。(I think so too.)”. The tips for using it are that “同感どうかんです。” is used as polite and rather quite formal. If you want to express it as casual, that “(わたしも)そうおもいます。”. Although everybody could use “同感どうかんです。”, if teenagers use it, that would be quite odd. Because again “同感どうかんです。” is a quite formal word. Basically, it is used in business situations for someone’s boss or is used as a writing word for business. Lastly, “同感どうかん” is to FEEL the same for an opinion or view of someone.

[voice icon=”http://jpyokoso.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/learn-japanese-online-how-to-speak-japanese-language-for-beginners-basic-study-in-japan-yuka52.jpg” name=”ゆか” type=”l icon_red” sample”]
腹空なかすきましたね。 (We’re hungry, right?) (我饿了) (배가 고프네요.) (Đã đói rồi nhỉ.)

[voice icon=”http://jpyokoso.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/learn-japanese-online-how-to-speak-japanese-language-for-beginners-basic-study-in-japan-okawa96.jpg” name=”たつや” type=”r icon_blue” sample”]
同感どうかんです。 (I think so too.) (我同意。) (동감입니다.) (Tôi cũng thấy thế.)

[voice icon=”http://jpyokoso.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/learn-japanese-online-how-to-speak-japanese-language-for-beginners-basic-study-in-japan-okawa11.jpg” name=”たつや” type=”l icon_blue” sample”]
この色変いろへんですよね? (I think this color is weird, right?) (这种颜色很奇怪吗?) (이 색 이상하죠?) (Cái màu này nhìn sao sao ấy nhỉ?)

[voice icon=”http://jpyokoso.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/learn-japanese-online-how-to-speak-japanese-language-for-beginners-basic-study-in-japan-yuka56.jpg” name=”ゆか” type=”r icon_red” sample”]
同感どうかんです。 (I think so too.) (我同意。) (동감입니다.) (Tôi cũng thấy thế.)

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