Easily Confused Words : shōgatsu vs. gantan vs. shinnen
Where are you going to go or do the new year season? However, did you know native speakers use 正月 (shōgatsu), 元旦 (gantan) and 新年 (shinnen)? And what’s the difference between 正月, 元旦 and 新年? After figuring them out, why don’t you talk to native speakers about a new year? Let me introduce how you correctly use them today.
正月 (shōgatsu)
The New Year season / January 1st to 7th
正月 (shōgatsu) is “The New Year season” or “January 1st to 7th” in Japan, however, “January 1st to 7th” sometimes depends on people or locality, so someone might use 正月 which is January 1st to 3rd. For instance, a person whose job will start from January 4th or 6th every year who think 正月 is January 1st to 3rd or 5th. However, in general, 正月 is January 1st to 7th.
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正月どこいくの? (Where are you gonna go the new year season?) (新年打算去哪儿?) (설에 어디 가?) (Tết cậu có đi đâu không?) (shōgatsu doko iku no?)

正月はどこか旅行に行きたいなー。 (I feel like going on a trip somewhere on January 1st to 7th.) (新年真想去哪儿旅行呢!) (설날에는 어딘가 놀러가고 싶다~) (Thật muốn đi du lịch đâu đó vào ngày nghỉ Tết quá.) (shōgatsu wa doko ka ryokō ni ikitai na-.)

正月も、もう終わりかー。 (The new year season is almost over.) (新年已、已经快要结束了吗?) (설날도 이제 끝인가 -.) (Đã … đã hết Tết rồi á!?) (shōgatsu mo, mou owari ka-.)
元旦 (gantan)
January 1st / New year’s day
元旦 (gantan) is “January 1st “or “New year’s day” which is just one day. January 2nd is not 元旦 but it is still 正月 though. And 元旦 is a special day for us.

もうすぐ元旦だね。 (It’s almost January 1st!) (马上就要到新年了。) (곧 설날이네.) (Sắp đến ngày mùng một rồi ha.) (mōsugugantan dane.)

毎年元旦はおじいちゃんの家に行くよ。 (I go to my grandpa’s house every new year’s day.) (每年元旦都会去爷爷的家。) (매년 설날에는 할아버지 집에 가.) (Hằng năm vào ngày mùng một Tết tớ sẽ đến nhà ông chơi đấy.) (maitoshigantan wa ojīchan no ie ni iku yo.)

元旦はテレビでも見て、ゆっくりしたいな。 (I wanna watch TV and be relaxed on new year’s day.) (元旦我想看看电视,悠闲的度过。) (설날에는 TV라도 보면서, 좀 쉬고 싶어.) (Vào ngày mùng một, tớ muốn có thể thư thái xem TV.) (gantan wa terebi demo mite, yukkuri shitai na.)
新年 (shinnen)
A new year
新年 (shinnen) is “a new year” and it is quite similar to 正月, however, a nuance of 新年 is quite stiff than 正月.

新年の豊富は? (What’s your New Year’s resolution?) (新年新愿望是?) (새해의 포부는?) (Điều cần làm trong năm mới là gì?) (shinnen no hōfu wa?)

お世話になった人に、新年の挨拶にいかないと。 (I gotta say new year’s greetings to people who took care of me.) (我应该向那些照顾我的人致以新年的问候。) (신세를 진 사람에게, 새해 인사를 가야겠어.) (Năm mới phải đi chúc Tết những người đã giúp đỡ mình mới được.) (osewa ni natta hito ni,shinnen no aisatsu ni ikanai to.)

新年早々何やってんの! (What are you doing at the beginning of the New Year?) (新的一年才刚开始你在做什么!) (새해 벽두부터 뭐 하고 있는거야!) (Mới đầu năm mà cậu đang làm gì vậy hả!) (shinnen sōsō nani yatten’no!)
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