By Using たっぷり, It Sounds Native Japanese Speakers


By Using たっぷり, It Sounds Native Japanese Speakers

I’d say using “たっぷり” sounds native Japanese speakers. Why don’t you use たっぷり from today? You’d be able to use “たっぷり” after reading this. Let me introduce the way to correctly use “たっぷり” today!

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] たっぷり(tappuri)

[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-2″ wrap=”span”] Lots of/Many / 很多 / 듬뿍 / Đầy ắp

“たっぷり” means “Lots of / Many” and which has been used as slang. When you want to emphasize the sentence with your emotion, you would say “たっぷり” instead of “たくさん”. The way to use “たっぷり” is “たっぷりの___(noun)” or “___(noun)たっぷり” and “たっぷり___(verb)する”. For instance, “自信じしんたっぷり(a full of confidence)”, “たっぷり野菜やさい(a lot of veggies)” and “たっぷりる(to sleep a lot)”. Additionally, “たっぷり” is much casual than “たくさん”. Basically, “たっぷり” can be used for uncountable things such as water, milk, confidence, time etc and is pretty often used for foods(たっぷり___(foods) or たっぷりの___(foods)) which sound “delicious” for us, whereas “たくさん” can be used for both uncountable and countable things such as pens, cars, houses, etc.

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[voice icon=”” name=”ゆか” type=”l icon_red” sample”]
野菜やさいたっぷりだね。 (That’s a lot of veggies!) (有很多蔬菜呢。) (야채가 듬뿍이네.)(Nhiều rau quá ha.)
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