撤回 vs. 撤去 vs. 廃棄: Did You Know These Meanings?
What is the difference between “撤回, 撤去 and 廃棄“? Which is used as the meaning of “to remove something from somewhere”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!
[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] 撤回する (tekkai-suru)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-2″ wrap=”span”] Take back one’s words / 收回 / 철회 / Rút lại, thu hồi
“撤回” means “take back one’s words ” and which has been used as the meaning of “to retract a statement someone previously made”. The basic way to use it is “___は発言を撤回する(___ take back one’s words.)”, etc. For instance, “私は発言を撤回する(I take back my words.)”, etc. The tips for using it is that basically “撤回する” is used as the meaning of “to retract A STATEMENT” and it is used as formal. The casual meaning of “撤回する” is “取りやめる” and the more casual meaning is “やっぱりなしで!(Actually, forget about it!)”.
レイは前に言ったことを撤回すると思うよ。 (I think Rei will soon take back his words.) (雷认为我会收回我之前说的话。) (레이는 전에 말한 것을 철회할 거에요.) (Ray nghĩ rằng cậu ấy sẽ rút lại những gì đã nói trước đó đấy.)
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ちょっと言い過ぎたよ。ごめん、さっき言ったことを撤回するよ。 (I may have said too much. Sorry, I take it back.) (说得有点过分了。对不起,我收回之前说的话。) (조금 지나치게 말했지. 미안, 아까 말한 것을 취소할게.) (Tôi quá lời rồi! Xin lỗi, tôi sẽ rút lại những lời mình đã nói lúc nãy.)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] 撤去する (tekkyo-suru)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-2″ wrap=”span”] Remove / 撤走 / 철거 / Loại bỏ, tháo dỡ
“撤去する” means “Remove” and which has been used as the meaning of “to take something away from somewhere”. The basic way to use it is “私は___を撤去する。(I remove ___.)”, etc. For instance, “私は瓦礫を撤去する。(I remove the debris.)”, etc. The tips for using it is that “撤去する” is used as the meaning of “to REMOVE something you don’t need”, however, you MIGHT NOT THROW IT AWAY. “撤去する” is also used as pretty formal. The casual way to use it is “取る(take)”.
以前、震災後に瓦礫を撤去するボランティアをしたことがあるよ。 (I have volunteered to remove the debris after the earthquake before.) (之前,我做过撤走地震后瓦砾的志愿者。) (저번에, 지진 후 잔해를 철거하는 봉사활동을 한 적이 있어.) (Trước đây, tôi đã từng làm tình nguyện viên tháo dỡ đống đổ nát sau động đất đấy.)
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機材を撤去してもらわないと。 (I gotta get the equipment removed.) (必须找人撤走器材才行。) (장비를 철거해줘야 하는데.) (Cậu phải tháo giúp tôi cái máy này ra chứ.)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] 廃棄する (haiki-suru)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-2″ wrap=”span”] Dispose / 处置 / 폐기 / Tiêu hủy, vứt bỏ
“廃棄する” means “Dispose” and which has been used as the meaning of “to get rid of by throwing away or giving or selling to someone else.”. The basic way to use it is “私は___を廃棄する。(I dispose of ____)”, etc. For instance, “私は粗大ゴミを廃棄する(I dispose of the large-sized garbage.)”, etc. The tips for using it is that “廃棄する” is used as the meaning of “TO THROW ___ AWAY or TO GET RID IF ___”. “廃棄する” is also used as pretty casual and the casual way to use it is “___を捨てる(throw __ away)”. Furthermore, it is often used for a large-sized garbage such as refrigerators, beds, desk, chair, etc. Basically, they are old and you don’t need them anymore.
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その粗大ゴミを廃棄するのは有料だよ。 (You have to pay for disposing of the large-sized garbage.) (丢大件垃圾是要收费的) (그 대형 쓰레기를 폐기하는 건 유료야.) (Để vứt bỏ các loại rác cồng kềnh là có mất phí đó.)
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その冷蔵庫、廃棄してもいいよ。 (You can dispose of the refrigerator.) (你可以丢掉这个冰箱。) (그 냉장고, 폐기해도 돼.) (Vứt cái tủ lạnh đó đi được rồi đấy.)
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