“urayamashī” vs. “shitto suru”:Both Means “Jealous” But…


“urayamashī” vs. “shitto suru”:Both Means “Jealous” But…

What is the difference between “うらやましい(urayamashī) and 嫉妬しっとする(shitto suru)”? Which is used as “a negative meaning”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

うらやましい (urayamashī) and 嫉妬しっとする (shitto suru)

Jealous / 羡慕, 嫉妒 / 부럽다, 질투하다 / Ghen tị (một cách ngưỡng mộ), Ghen tị/Đố kỵ(cảm giác khó chịu)

うらやましい(urayamashī) and 嫉妬しっとする(shitto suru)” means “Jealous” and which has been used as the meaning of “Feeling or showing an envious resentment of someone or their achievements, possessions, or perceived advantages”. The tips for using them that “うらやましい” is used as “A POSITIVE MEANING” such as just a light feeling, whereas “嫉妬しっとする” is used as “A NEGATIVE MEANING” such as frustrating, upset, annoying, etc. The basic ways to use it are that “わたしは___がうらやましい。(I’m jealous of ___.)” and “わたしは___に嫉妬しっとする。(I’m jealous of ___.), etc. For instance, “わたし彼女かのじょうらやましい。(I’m jealous of her.)” and “わたし彼女かのじょ嫉妬しっとする。(I’m jealous/ I envy her.)”. Everyone could use “うらやましい” and “嫉妬しっとする” as casual, polite and formal such as “うらやましいなー。(I’m jealous.)” and “嫉妬しっとするよ。(I’m jealous./I envy.)” as casual and “うらやましいです。(I’m jealous.)” and “嫉妬しっとします。(I’m jealous./I envy.)” as polite and formal.

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昨日きのう、ディズニーランドにきました。 (I went to Disneyland yesterday.) (我昨天去了迪士尼乐园。) (어제 디즈니랜드에 갔습니다.) (Hôm qua tôi đã đi Disneyland.) (kinō, dizunī rando ni iki mashita.)


うらやましいですね。わら (I’m jealous. haha) (好羡慕你啊。笑) (부럽네요 ㅎㅎ) (Ghen tị với bạn quá. Haha) (urayamashī desu ne. wara)


明日あしたあたらしいパソコンをうよ。 (I’m gonna buy a new laptop tomorrow.) (我明天要去买新电脑哦。) (내일 새 컴퓨터를 살 거야.) (Ngày mai tôi sẽ mua máy vi tính mới đấy.) (ashita, atarashī pasokon wo kau yo.)


えぇー、うらやましいなー。くさ (Wow, I’m jealous. hehe) (哇—好羡慕呀!哈哈) (우와~ 부럽다~ ㅋㅋ) (Ừ…m, ghen tị với bạn quá đi. Haha) (e-, urayamashī na-. kusa)


たつやの才能さいのう嫉妬しっとするよー・・・ (I’m jealous of your talent.) (我很嫉妒达也的才能呢……) (타츠야의 재능이 질투 나…) (Tôi ghen tỵ với tài năng của Tatsuya đấy…) (tatsuya no sainō ni shitto suru yo-.)


リョウはおにいさんの出世しゅっせ嫉妬しっとしてるらしいよ。 (I heard Ryo is jealous of his brother’s success.) (亮似乎很嫉妒他哥哥的成功。) (료는 오빠의 출세에 질투가 나는 모양이야.) (Có vẻ như là Ryo đố kỵ với sự thành đạt của anh trai cậu ấy đấy.) (ryō wa onīsan no shusse ni shitto shiteru rashī yo.)


本当ほんとう嫉妬しっとしないですよね? (Are you sure you won’t get jealous?) (你真的不会嫉妒吗?) (정말 질투하지 않는 거죠?) (Bạn thực sự không hề ghen tỵ đúng không?) (hontō ni shitto shinai desu yo ne?)


みんなミクに嫉妬しっとしてるよ。 (People are jealous of her.) (大家都很嫉妒miku) (모두 미쿠를 질투하고 있어.) (Mọi người đều ghen tị với Miku đấy.) (min’na miku ni shitto shiteru yo.)

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