浮気うわき vs. 不倫ふりん: They’re Used As the Meaning of “Cheat”


浮気うわき vs. 不倫ふりん: They’re Used As the Meaning of “Cheat”

What is the difference between “浮気うわき(uwaki) and 不倫ふりん(furin)”? Which is used as the meaning of “a person who got married has an affair”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] 浮気うわき(uwaki) and 不倫ふりん(furin)

[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-2″ wrap=”span”] Cheat, Have an affair / 偷情, 出轨 / 바람, 불륜 / Lăng nhăng, ngoại tình

浮気うわき(uwaki) and 不倫ふりん(furin)” mean “Cheat / Have an affair” and which have been used as the meaning of “you secretly have a sexual relationship with someone else.”. The basic ways to use it are that “___は浮気うわき/不倫ふりんをする。(___ cheats/has an affair.)”, etc. For instance, “かれ浮気うわき/不倫ふりんをする。(He cheats/has an affair.)”, “彼女かのじょはあのひと浮気うわき/不倫ふりんをする。(She cheats/has an affair with that guy.)”, etc. The tips for using them are that “不倫ふりん” is used as the meaning of “a person, who is MARRIED, has a sexual relationship with a person other than their partner” and “浮気うわき” is used as the meaning of “either a person, who is MARRIED or NOT, has a sexual relationship with a person other than their partner”. Furthermore, “浮気うわき” is also used for a person, who is MARRIED, however, “浮気うわき” doesn’t sound heavier than “不倫ふりん” that means “不倫ふりん” has the HAVEY meaning, so a partner who is cheated can’t allow him/her who has an affair. Whereas in “浮気うわき” case, a partner who is cheated might allow him/her who cheats. Everyone could use “浮気うわき and 不倫ふりん” as casual, polite and formal such as “かれ浮気うわき/不倫ふりんをしたよ。(He cheated/had an affair.)” as casual and “かれ浮気うわき/不倫ふりんをしました。(He cheated/had an affair.)” as polite and formal.

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浮気うわきしないでね! (Don’t cheat on me, OK?) (不要偷情喔!) (바람피지 마!) (Đừng có lăng nhăng đấy nhé!)
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