#1122 Today’s Japanese Question Grammar(N1-N2)


Today’s Japanese Question Grammar N1-N2

Here is a question that is going to be posted every day. You will get your results after you answer this question. Some of the questions are easier, some are more difficult.

Don’t worry if you don’t know the answer!

Check your Japanese skills with the JPYoKoSo Vocabulary and Grammar Questions!

I put the vocabulary below that be used by this question! Check them after solving this!

Today's Japanese Questions (Vocabulary and Grammar)

Shaded items are complete.


哀れ ​(JLPT-3)あわれ, aware, pitiable, pitiful, pathetic, miserable, 可怜, 可憐, 불쌍한, thương tâm, น่าสงสาร, menyedihkan
​(JLPT-5)おとこ, otoko, man, male, 男人, 男人, 남자, Một người đàn ông, ผู้ชายคนหนึ่ง, Seorang pria
素直 ​(JLPT-2)すなお, sunao, obedient, meek, docile, unaffected, 温顺, 溫順, 순종하는, Trung thực, เชื่อฟัง, taat
騙す ​(JLPT-2)だます, damasu, to trick, to cheat, to deceive, 欺骗, 欺騙, 속이는, Lừa dối, หลอกลวง, Menipu
​(JLPT-3)らく, raku, comfort, ease, 简单, 簡單, 쉬운, dễ dàng, ง่าย, mudah
死ぬ ​(JLPT-5)しぬ, shinu, to die, to pass away, 死, 死, 죽을, Chết, ตาย, Mati
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