#1140 Today’s Japanese Question Grammar(N1-N2)


Today’s Japanese Question Grammar N1-N2

Here is a question that is going to be posted every day. You will get your results after you answer this question. Some of the questions are easier, some are more difficult.

Don’t worry if you don’t know the answer!

Check your Japanese skills with the JPYoKoSo Vocabulary and Grammar Questions!

I put the vocabulary below that be used by this question! Check them after solving this!

Today's Japanese Questions (Vocabulary and Grammar)

Shaded items are complete.


談合 ​(Popular)だんごう, dangou, collusion, bid-rigging, 共谋, 共謀, 공모, thông đồng, สมรู้ร่วมคิด, kolusi
不正 ​(JLPT-3)ふせい, fusei, injustice, unfairness, wrongdoing, iniquity, impropriety, irregularity, dishonesty, illegality, fraud, 冤, 冤, 부정, Bất công, ความอยุติธรรม, Ketidakadilan
行為 ​(JLPT-1)こうい, koui, act, deed, conduct, 行为, 行為, 행동, hành vi, พฤติกรรม, tingkah laku
世の中 ​(JLPT-3)よのなか, yononaka, society, the world, the times, 世界, 世界, 세상, Thế giới, โลก, Dunia
言う ​(JLPT-5)いう, iu, to say; to utter; to declare, 说, 說, 말하다, Nói, พูด, mengatakan
適切 ​(JLPT-3)てきせつ, tekisetsu, pertinent, appropriate, adequate, relevance, 适当, 適當, 적당한, thích hợp, เหมาะสม, sesuai
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